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Everything posted by Tellycare2003

  1. I have to say I was tempted to take the caterpillar out (it's a .png like all the other superimposed bits), but the rest were all genuine. John
  2. Hello everybody. Here's a new slideshow I've just finished working on. All shot on a walk from Dartmouth Castle in Devon back to the car park. 4 min 50 secs Any suggestions and comments very much appreciated. John http://www.mediafire.com/?wxy0bjlowy84903
  3. Hi everyone Here's another one for you to look at if you feel so inclined. This was made some months ago. I was struggling up the steep part of the learning curve on animations in PtoE, and at the same time playing around with a programme called 'Apophysis' which generates fractal images. I decided to combine the two and this is what happened. John http://www.mediafire.com/?muizoqpxeyfbxt1
  4. Sheila, that's a fantastic show. I know nothing of Yorkshire (or indeed Lancashire), being a Londoner born and bred, but it certainly made me feel I had missed out on something. Well done. I particularly likes the sequence with the horses where you had changed the background into a 'drawing'. I hope you won't mind if I pinch that idea to maybe use in one of mine (Thay say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!!) Many thanks John
  5. Thank you both so much for your kind comments. I'm really glad you liked it. I have another in the pipleline and will try to post it in a day or so.
  6. Strolling along the river walk through Greenwich recently I came upon this piece of art and this is the result. This is my first posting here so I do hope you like it. http://www.mediafire.com/?f26evbd59mkek32 25MB 4min 50 seconds 1024 x 768
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