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Posts posted by gdadmd

  1. Hi Igor.

    Beta 12
    Screen 16/10

    Fullscreen View Of Slide List (F4)

    The display by the spacebar does not respect the project format. When viewing, all key points are read.

    If numbering view is active (<%SlideIndex%> / <%SlidesCount%>), view number error on the view selected.
    Ex: View 12 selected -> 1/1



  2. 15 hours ago, Jean-Cyprien said:

    If you want to customize the shadow of a text, it's OK if it is the first time you do it in a view.
    After that, if you want to modify this shadow, or to customize the shadow of an other text (in the same view) it's no more possible, the pop up is white (was grey with previous versions)


    Same problem OS windows 8.1

  3. Hello,
    I made a slideshow for the Advent calendar.
    It can be downloaded It can be downloaded ( PC Version , MAC Version ).  It is made with PTE 9.0.14.
    For this project I used custom transitions created by Denis (DenisB) that can be found here.
    We can find these five custom transitions:

     01:38 - 01:48
     03:27 - 03:31
     03:38 - 03:42
     03:49 - 03:53
     05:05 - 05:13

    The PC version of the slideshow has no problem.
    For some Mac users, on HIGH SIERRA 10.13.2, at the first custom transition (01:38), the screen freeze and the soundtrack continues.
    Some Mac users must disconnect the mac and reconnect to restart!
    One Mac user on EL CAPITAN 10.11.6  see all the slideshow without problem.

    Best regards


  4. Igor,

    Following are my comments concerning the PTE functionality..

    Subject : Personalized effects

    Version PTE : 7.5.4

    I performed two personalized effects with object masks on two couples of pictures A-B and C-D. On views A and C, there is a single object picture, on views B and D, there is one object picture and an object mask. When I read these two effects on the assembly board, I notice an undesired move of the masks ( objects of views B and D). This move is also visible on the viewing vignette of this effect on the “view Customize Slide".

    For the first effect (A-B)it is a sideways move (left/right), for the second effect (C-D), it is an angular move because of the 45° angular position of the mask.

    In preview and continuous reading, everything is perfect, there is no move of the concerned masks.

    - Have you already experienced such a discrepancy?

    - Why is there such a behavior between these two modes?

    - Are the masks to be banned on the second picture when a personalized effect, including one or two masks, is used?

    - Are the masks to be banned when performing personalized effects?

    This operating anomaly has been experienced since the version 7.5 Beta 1. Before informing you of this problem, I have preferred to wait for a forthcoming version of this software.

    By following the above mentioned process course, you will find the complete record of this test with two video films.

    Folder here

    I thank you very much for the attention you will pay to these remarks.

    Very sincerely yours,



    Bonjour Igor,

    Voici mes remarques sur une fonctionnalité de PTE.

    Sujet : Effets Personnalisés.

    Version PTE 7.5.4

    J'ai réalisé deux effets personnalisés avec objet(s) masque(s) sur deux couples d'images A-B et C-D. Sur les vues A & C un seul objet Image, sur les vues B & D un objet Image et un objet Masque. Lorsque je lis ces deux effets sur la table de montage je remarque un mouvement non programmé des masques(objets des vues B et D). Ce mouvement est également visible sur la vignette visualisation de l'effet de la fenêtre "Configuration de la vue".

    Pour le 1° effet(A-B)ce mouvement est latéral(droite-gauche), pour le 2° effet(C-D) ce mouvement est angulaire du fait de la position du masque à 45°

    En prévisualisation et en lecture continue tout est parfait, ce mouvement des masques concernés est inexistant.

    - Avez-vous déjà constaté cette anomalie ?

    - Pourquoi cette différence de comportement entre les deux modes ?

    - Les masques sont-ils à proscrire sur la 2ième image lorsqu'on utilise un effet personnalisé comportant lui-même un ou des objets masques ?

    - Les masques sont-ils à proscrire lors de la réalisation d'effets personnalisés ?

    Cette anomalie de fonctionnement existe depuis la version 7.5 Beta 1. Avant de vous faire part de ce problème, j'ai préféré attendre les différentes évolutions du logiciel suivant les dernières versions.


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