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smooth - great colours - no jaggies- -projected on 37" tv

must be where the word "venetian blinds" came from - learn something everyday :)

my 18 yr old g'son wants to go to your burning man festival -- told him he better hustle if he wants tickets :)

Happy New Year


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Hi Ken,

The old line was 'How do you make a Venetian Blind?'

and the answer was 'Just poke him in both eyes'.

Burning man is a fun gig. Best book early,say 6 months in advance.

You can try Craigslist for a price saving.If you just turn up at the 'Door'

it's going to cost a lot more.

You could always go with him ;)

Happy New Year to you too.


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Nice show Davy, giving a very good "feel" for Venice. I am waiting on my Brother-in-Law to send me his photos of Venice as I said I would do a slideshow for him. Depending on the quality of his stuff I may supplement it with some that you have used. I'll ask him if I can post it here as it will be interesting to compare. Good luck for 2011.

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Hi Mick,


I stopped volunteering to do slideshows.I did a wedding AV recently which consisted of

images donated entirely by the guests.Never again. Lots of blur/noise and the backs of peoples heads etc.

It will be good if you can post your brother-in-laws AV here.I was stuck with Google images and it's

good to see from another perspective.

All the best for 2011.


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  • 1 month later...

I stopped volunteering to do slideshows.I did a wedding AV recently which consisted of

images donated entirely by the guests.Never again. Lots of blur/noise and the backs of peoples heads etc.

It will be good if you can post your brother-in-laws AV here.I was stuck with Google images and it's

good to see from another perspective.


At last, here is my A/V of Venice using my Sister-in-law's photos taken with her point and shot Coolpix. I have kept to the 4x3 format. Venice is not the easiest place to take photos but (with a little help from PS) I think these a quite good. Please let me know what you think of the syncing to the music, the transitions and the pans/zooms.

I think of working with other peoples photos as a challenge

Here is the link

1st one on the list

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Mick & Maggie,

This worked for me and as you mention,a point and shoot is going to struggle at times.

Images though a wee bit soft had a bloom to them and coupled with the music were easy on the eye and ear.

The treatments and transitions worked well adding to the experience.

Why not relist this AV as Mick’s Venice,so peeps can see your version as a standalone in its own right.

Well done,


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