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Sound error


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What version of PTE are you using? On what operating system? When you save the project do you get any "Files not found" messages? What file type are the "missing" sound files (i.e. mp3, wav, etc.)?) How were these files added to your project? For example: by dragging into the Timeline, by adding via Project Options > Audio, by using the "Add sound or voice" button.



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Thanks Peter for the speedy reply.

I'm using version PictoExe 6.5 de luxe on Windows Vista.

Ive tried both mp3 and wav , put together with Audacity.

I add music using the Project options : Add Music, spread slides along music.

Ive tried copying the same slides into a new project ....no luck , and the error message comes up as soon as I start the new project.

Old projects are working fine, and I've also tried the music with another set of slides...no problem.

Best wishes


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You say the error comes up as soon as you start a new project. Did you start that new project by doing File > New? Do you mean you get the error message before you have added anything to the new project? Are you using a customized template for your new project?

I no longer have v6.5 installed on my system. However, in v8 if I do File > Templates > Manage Templates I get a window that shows all the available templates, and indicates which one is set as default for new projects. You should have something similar that will tell you exactly which template is being used for your new project.

If you are using a customized template as your default for a new project, it is possible that the template makes reference to an audio file that is no longer present where it was. That, I think, would account for the symptoms which you have described - if I have interpreted your statements correctly.



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