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Hello everyone,

I am sorry for possibly reinventing the wheel........ I am new to PTExe and only a novice in photoshop. I have downloaded the trial version of PTExe and had a good play around with it and I am about to register.

I have watched the excelent presentation "create slideshows" and I have a lot of ideas for creating my own shows BUT :blink: I do not understand how to import or create the psd files into the PTExe program when it wants bmp jpeg etc. I understand the creating of layers and can see how that works in photoshop but surely to create a jpeg from photoshop the image would have to be flattened and those layers are lost. I see there has to be a way of doing it but I cannot see it.

Can someone guide me in simpleton terms.......

Dont all shout at me at once please. :D


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:P Pictures to Exe doesn't work with psd files. You'll need to save these first then flatten for export to pictures to exe as JPEGs. It's worth watching your file size too. Keep individual pictures to no more than 200 kB for use in Pictures to Exe. To do this, first decide on the pixel size you wish to use for your pte show - for example, my computer display is 1024 by 768 pixels, so I would make landscape pictures 1024 pixels wide. Portrait pictures would be 768 pixels high. Using Image > Image size in photoshop to resize the image to the correct pixel size (don't worry about the resolution - it's irrelevant for images to be displayed on screen). Having resized your image, use "Save for Web" to produce the final JPEG image for your presentation.

I hope this makes sense - if not, don't hesitate to contact me & I'll go thro it all in more detail!

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Welcome Glenys

I liked your idea of importing psd files. Maybe Igor (who created this wonderful program) will find a way how to do it one day. As for now, you will have to save your images as JPG (BMP are too heavy to make a slideshow) and try also to compress them (can use compression level 8 in Photoshop). You can save each layer as JPG and then use fade effect to add or remove layers. You can make wonderful things using those layers.

I hope you'll enjoy PTE as all of us do, and meet many nice people in this forum.


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One other tip, as well as "Save for Web" you may wish also to save your *.psd files so that you can go back to them to make any adjustments etc. I do not flatten my *.psd files. I sometimes make a number of *.jpg images from one *.psd file by selecting particular layers and saving. One simple example is Background -Save to Web-Title-Save to Web-Sub title-Save to Web.

Ron [uK]

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Thank you all for your replies.

I have played around some more and think I have got it.......... Managed a small show for myself and now that I have registered will look into building some bigger ones.

Next thing is to try looking at the Flash program and maybe the scrolling text one.

Great fun. Thank you to the gentleman who has written the program.


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I have had another idea that I will ask you the experts about. I think I may know the answer to it but I am still learning about the program hence asking you all.

Can a small AVI file be included into a picture show somehow. Like a recorded introduction to the picture show. Or would it be like two gear wheels turning in oposite directions coming together and sending sparks and bits of metal everywhere.

Thank you


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