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A Beginner's Request and welcome


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I am interested in starting some work using Pictures to Exe which I first saw demonstrated in Digital Photo Magazine. I think I should like to purchase some of the tutorial CDs but wonder which is best to start with. I already have the tutorial given with the Feb.2004 mag. Does the starter tutorial you give simply recap this? I do know how to size images and a little Photoshop Knowledge. I would be pleased to have any hints on getting started. I am a mature student doing a photography and video degree at the Bolton Institute in Lancashire. I thought this might be a good project and a possibility for future wedding work This forum seems like an added bonus! Thanks in anticipation. jean.


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Hi Jean,

Welcome aboard! You are lucky in that you are in the middle of a vert strong a/v comunity not just here but in the UK also. I would recomend you visit www.AVWorld.org and you will find that there are lots of workers near by. As for tutorials see Al Robinson's site www.alrobinson.com he has a tutorial on the most recent version vg I hear, need to doen load it myself soon :huh: . Also any problems you might have can be answered here by someone, so don't be shy when posting its free :D

Best Wishes,


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As another relatively newcomer, I can vouch for the friendliness of the folks here on the forum and for the ease of use of PTE.

I second the suggestion to get Al's PTE101 tutorial and look for other goodies at:


Also, I just read many of the topics in this forum and learned a lot. And of course, pick a small project (a dozen slides or so), grad some music, and try stuff! It's really pretty friendly software.

Then don't hesitate to ask about the stuff you don't understand.

Welcome! :)

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Hi Jeannie

Welcome to this super forum. I am still relatively new to Pto E having tried various other show programs over the years. Al Robinsons's tutorial will get you started and a trawl through recent postings on this forum will guide you ojn specific issues. Pto E is simple to learn and you are then left to your own inspiration as to how good are the products. The timeline for synching to music/audio is a real boon.

You might like to have a look at Audacity for editing music. www.audacity.sourceforge.net

You will see it mentioned a lot on the forum.

The best way to learn and get ideas is by viewing as many slide shows posted on Beechbrook or www.fanaphot.com etc.

You will find a deal of advice on resolution for PtoE on this forum and on other digital photo sites.

Good luck and we look forward to seeing your first show. :lol:

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Hi Jeanie,

I too, "found" pic2exe from digital photo mag. I suspect you are talking about the tutorials "advertised" on the site of the author of the mag's tutorial ( phew...mouthful :P )

I have NOT bought those- but there are several EXCELLENT tutorials available free from the members here. You will find them at beechbrook. select category tutorial :D

Beechbrook link

Try them first - if it's not clear ask here and THEN buy the magazines tutorials if you need to. I think that you'll find the most experience and help for free right here. It is an incredibly friendly and helpful forum!.

Good luck and let us see what you put together!

Scuba B)


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:P I agree with earlier respondents to your query - use the free advice and links listed here first. But, to set the record straight, I have some of Barrie Beckham's tutorial cd's and can tell you that they are excellent. His latest, Photoshop tutorial dvd is the best I've seen anywhere.
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dear all,

thanks for all your replies and encouragement. I,ve tried your recommended websites and found them really useful. I did buy Barry's Introduction to Digital Audio Visual and found it absolutely packed with information and beatifully made demos. I haven't located his extra goodie bag on the CD yet. I wonder whether he's removed it. The Audio Visual Mag looks interesting.Does anyone subscibe?

thanks again


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Barry has updated his website www.beckhamdigital.co.uk See his earlier entry here for May 18. (Must get round to ordering a couple of his latest Medwin Goodall CDs)

Ron [uK]

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Hi Jeanie,

Glad to see you are inspired by all here. What ever it is about Audio visual it seems to attract people who are always willing to help. I subscribe to AV World and it is a great way to keep up on all events and people in the various groups.


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I wonder -

Is there scope on this forum to include discussions on the techniques used in AV presentations - I refer to such things as the 'third image', accepted ways of transition from horizontal slides to vertical, pace of presentation, phasing with music/audio, and respective sound levels for voiceover and music tracks etc?

I have never managed to discover a publication/reference book which would give me this fundamental infoprmation, in a clear concise way.

I know wer'e supposed to be discussing the workings and advancemment of PTE but I'm sure many beginners (and more advanced) would welcome the oppoertunity to receive guidance in these basic AV areas.

What do you think?

Denwell (NE UK)

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Good point. I think this sort of discussion would be very useful and enlightening. It would touch on points which are very subjective in nature, so I guess that is why people seem to be reluctant to offer opinions on technique and the more artistic aspects of AV. The approaches to and uses for AV by different members of the Forum are very diverse, so not all would agree with the opinions offered, but I do agree that discussion of these areas would be beneficial.

Maybe the "Pictures to EXE Presentations" forum would be a good place for this to take place, and this forum could be reserved for technology.

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I agree, dare I suggest another section for this. As Al says the methods are diverse, and the final work is subjective. But the basics can be explained and applied to shows then improvments can come from discussion.


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I for one would read (and contribute to?) such topics with gusto. While I agree with Al and others that it is very subjective, we can still discuss technique and decide choose that for this particular show, I might want something different, but for that place in that show, it's perfect.

Organizationally, I think it would be good to make it 1) clear that a topic is of this genre and 2) easy to find such topics.

Let's try. B)

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I have found that many of the CD Tutorials available today are excellent, especially the ones made by Barry Beckham. My one observation is that most tutorials are just to 'fast paced' and do not give sufficient basic information particularly when combining PTE with Photoshop. Not being one to play the game from the touchline, I have decided to put together a series of CD tutorials of my own that will concentrate on the basic level and deal with just one subject for a full 60 minutes. If you are interested in my first efforts (Creating a Slide Show Title Sequence) then please feel free to email me at ronniebootwest@aol.com.

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