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Hi there. I'm a portrait photographer and have been using pix2exe for quite a while now for proofing to customers. It's been working great and now all of a sudden I can't preview any shows. I get one of two errors -

cannot open file c:\windows\temp\apv-cfg1.cfg. or

1/- error 103

It doesn't matter if it's a new show that hasn't been created or an old show, every time I click on preview this is the error that I get.

I'm under the gun to get this done for a client tonight. Why is it that these things happen when you're under the gun???? Don't mean to sound ungrateful - I loooooooovvvveeeeeee pix2exe!!!

I just need to get this problem resolved so I can go about my merry little pix2exe life :D

TIA for any help that you can offer.


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does it work if you save as create as

if yes

run the created exe to preview

this will at least take some of the pressure off

i always save as create as before prviewing in case something happens to system

you can save as/ create as using different names

ang et rid of the ones you dont want later


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Thank you guys. I've made no changes to my computer. I'm running Windows98-second edition. I had the old version (4.2 I think). What it was doing when it started acting weird....... I was making a long show so was adding 2 songs. I added 2 songs, changed the settings, effects, etc and previewed it and it was working fine. I then wen't into the music and added like 6 songs (knowing that I was going to be deleting 4 of them, I was just going through the list. I then deleted 4 songs to keep the 2 that I wanted (I did listen to a few of them by right click and play). I clicked okay and tried to preview it and started getting those errors. I saved it and then reopened it and got the same thing. I then closed it and opened a completely different show that I created some time ago and got a different error (the I/O one I think). That's the point that I started having the problems was with the music. I tried rebooting several times.......to no avail. I uninstalled pix2exe and came into wnsoft and downloaded the new 4.3 version.........still doing it. It's just the strangest thing! I read something about "error checking" and "reformatting" but an not a computer guru in the least??? Thanks again for your help!

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Okay Ken.......I literally unplugged the computer and let it sit for a while

I then picked out three pix (that I've used before) and did a save (save worked)

I then tried to preview the three pictures and create - I'm still getting that error.

It does all of that before I even get to the steps of adding music, etc.

I've never had anything like this happen before - that just happens out of the clear blue like that and that I can't even uninstall and reinstall to fix it. I am so bummed - I don't know what to do. Heck, I'd even repurchase the whole program if I thought that would help, but uninstalling and reinstalling isn't working.

Oh yeah, and I am using songs that I've used in the past.


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You're about the 4th person with this problem, and as far as I know, no-one has found a solution for it, other than re-formatting the HD, which is a sort of last resort. Unless Igor has any suggestions, I would either try to run the program on another pc, or re-format and start over. Or, perhaps it's a virus? Probably best to take your pc to a knowledgeable technician.

If you do re-format, be sure to back up everything important, and be prepared for several days of work re-installing all your favourite programs. This is something that most high-end pc users are faced with every 2 or 3 years, anyway, so maybe you'll just have to "bite the bullet". I can't remember how many times I've had to reformat my hd - never because of PTE, though. Probably a good time to upgrade your pc and maybe even upgrade the operating system to Win XP. <_<

Best of luck! :)

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Hi Tammy,

I note that you are using Win '98Se - they can be tempermental beasts at times,but dont panic -

the System is usually "fixable" with the exception of a HD Fault,but then it wouldn't work anyway.

The '2 Error Messages' are unusual because C:\windows\temp\apv-cfg.... points to a internal

system (configuration) fault, and the other... Error 1/-error 103 says you have a 'Buffer Overflow'

problem,ie:- The system is trying to do too much or trying to resolve an un-resolvable issue.

Yep,98Se is like that -

The simple answer is that the '98Se Operating System has lost its way because it appears that

you have involked an error on the Hard drive -another cause- is that the c:\windows temp file is also

used by the Internet and there appears to be 2 identical Files in it - Thats a no no, because thats

an 'un-resolvable issue' - but lets see !

I can get back to the Hard Drive error but first some questions:-

Q1.... Did you download anything from the Internet or EMails whilst making the Show ?

Q2.... When 'Re-Loading PTE'....did you delete the previous PTE Folder and all contents ?

Q3.... What size is your User Memory (not the HD) - its called Ram Memory ?

Q4.... When on the Net are you loosing your 'Search Page' ?

Note:Q2. Its very important that this question is answered honestly,not assumed.


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Q1.... Did you download anything from the Internet or EMails whilst making the Show ?Not that I remember.

Q2.... When 'Re-Loading PTE'....did you delete the previous PTE Folder and all contents ?At first I didn't (I thought that it would just reinstall over itself). Then when it still wasn't working I wen't back in and did a total uninstall of Pix2exe and then wen't online, downloaded and reinstalled.

Q3.... What size is your User Memory (not the HD) - its called Ram Memory ?I KNOW that this is a problem I am constantly getting "scratch disks are full" warnings when using other programs.

Q4.... When on the Net are you loosing your 'Search Page' ?What do you mean by losing?

Note:Q2. Its very important that this question is answered honestly,not assumed.OOOOooops are you saying this because the old one should always be uninstalled first. I didn't realize that I was doing anything wrong. If so, let me know so that I won't make that mistake again.

Thanks so much for trying to help me with this. I'm really not very computer savvy.

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Hi Tammy,

Dont worry about the Literacy thing,we all learn something every day !

In reply to yours:-

1. I really need to know how many Megabytes of 'User Ram Memory' is installed on your PC ?

2. When you 'Uninstalled the old PTE Program' did you delete its Folder ? - thats vital.

3. If the 'old folder' is still on the HD, open it and delete everything except the 'Template Folder'

4. Drag this out and and park it somewhere, now scrap the 'old folder'

5. When installing PTE always give its Folder a proper name,eg:- PTE-410 or PTE-440 etc...

6. When Installing or Uninstalling Programs into Win 98...You must Re-Boot the PC from a 'Cold Start'...'Re-Start' wont do -

I really need an answers to Item 1.....and would you confirm Items 2 to 6 ?


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When you delete your PTE files and folders, make sure that you put aside and save the file "PTE.KEY" (if it's not too late) as this is your registration file and you will need it to unlock the new PTE program after you download and install it. B)

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1. I really need to know how many Megabytes of 'User Ram Memory' is installed on your PC ?

Sorry, here it is .....256MB of ram - it says my system resources are 77%

2. When you 'Uninstalled the old PTE Program' did you delete its Folder ? - thats vital.

Well, I wen't into programs and did the pix2exe uninstallation and then I wen't into add/remove programs and I didn't see it there anymore. How do I know if the *folder* is gone?

5. When installing PTE always give its Folder a proper name,eg:- PTE-410 or PTE-440 etc...6.

??? I just downloaded it and whatever it was on my desktop is what it was. I'm not sure what you're saying.

[B]When Installing or Uninstalling Programs into Win 98...You must Re-Boot the PC from a 'Cold Start'...'Re-Start' yeah, did this *many* times.

Thanks again.

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Hi Tammy,got yours:-

You have enough User Ram at 256mB and 77% Resources Free is fine - provided you dont have too many Programs on the 'Start Menu' - follow this:-


Press 'Start Button'--->select--->Programs. You should have no more than 14-18Programs listed in the 1st Column (Ignore the Accesories Columns)

If the count is way above 20 and PTE comes on line you will get erratic 'Buffer Overflow' even with quite modest PTE Presentations. Win '98se is not good on Memory Management. You will have to delete some of 'Your Downloads' from the Start Menu. I did say your Downloads - not Core Programs.


You said that you 'download' PTE to the Desktop - thats a No,No - in fact no live Programs should ever appear on the Desktop, only their 'Shortcuts' to the Program Folder where they should reside in the first place.


Start Button--->Programs--->find 'Windows Explorer'--->open it, and search for your Program Folder--->open that and find your PTE Folder(s)--->ideally there should be only "one"--->check it out.


HD-Drive 'Errors'. Start Button--->Programs--->Accessories--->System Tools--->andfind 'ScanDisk'--->run this in Thorough Mode and let it 'fix' the HD errors.

I hope this sorts out your problems, if you dont understand the above you will need the assistance of someone in the know -show them this and they will get the drift of your problems.

Best of luck,


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