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Having problems with screensaver.pte

Lin Evans

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Never mind - this is too strange - LOL. When all else fails try a re-boot. After a cold boot it works perfectly. I think my development computer is suffering age related defficiencies just like its owner - HA!


Since several have used and commented on JPD's template, I was wondering if anyone else is having problems reading the pte file?

When I unzip and open screensaver.pte in beta 5u I soon get a lockup and "program not responding" error from PTE. I would assume I'm either missing something or a file is corrupted but I've downloaded, erased, downloaded, unzipped and erased the zip file several times. I see the file list but as soon as I try to go to Objects and Animations, etc., it crashes. At the bottom, the file list shows HPIM0047 as the last file, so perhaps ...0048 is problematic for pte on my system, but I can it and all others plainly using Irfanview, so it's not making a lot of sense to me.??

Best regards,


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Never mind - this is too strange - LOL. When all else fails try a re-boot. After a cold boot it works perfectly. I think my development computer is suffering age related defficiencies just like its owner - HA!


Lin, I find I need a boot these days to get me going again, too. :lol:

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It's often than with PTE my old graphic card doesn't work, the screen became full of default and I can't read neither see anything, but I have the same problem when using Google earth. I'll try next time too make a screen copy. But I think there is a problem on my PC because I haven't the problem on my Ladtop.

Generally it happens when there is a lot of calculations and 9 times on ten with the Object an animation Windows.

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