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Warplanes on Beechbrook


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Hello ! everybody.

Today I posted a little show I have constructed in B5 onto Beechwood Cottage(thanks Bill), please have a look and post any comments and suggestions below.

It may take Bill a short while to vet and post.

I hope you enjoy watching it as much as I in making it.


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Personally I think you've overdone it - a little animation used sparingly would have had far more impact and if you are going to use pieces from other people then don't they deserve to be accredited too?

Hello Keith,

Do I detect a sour note in your post, I along with others are of the opinion that this forum is here to help each other, you kindly showed how an effect can be achieved but so have a lot of others i.e. Lin Evans, JPD, Ken Cox, Al Robinson, Ralph (the Hawk) The Dom the list goes on, they even go to the lengths of providing project files when necessary, I myself am at the moment corresponding with Morasoft and helping him with an effect he wishes to use, today I sent him a project file, when he finishes his project I don’t expect a credit in his show.

I think you are right, the animation is way over the top, but this piece of work is not meant as a serious sequence, but as a Demo of what this marvellous programme is all about.

Thank you for showing me how to achieve the effect of a bouncing bomb.


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Hi Tom,

No, not too sour. I agree there are lots of very helpful people on the forum and you are right that they should all be applauded for their efforts and assistance to us all on our very steep learning curve for v5. However whilst I do not mind people sharing techniques (I have adapted Al's sparkling text effect myself), I would normally draw a line at using their images as well - that's it, end of (minor) gripe :)

On the animation side of things, I felt some of the helicopter effects (particularly the large Huey that flew up from the bottom of the screen) worked better than the planes. Can't explain why, it just appeared more natural - apart from the pilots and I was wondering if they could be made to move as well?

Now that would be a challenge....

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