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Tickled with Video Builder!


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I've owned PTE through many versions and in the past was unable to successfully burn a DVD.

I checked in yesterday after not visiting for a long time and saw that we now have a Video Builder that works right in the program.

Downloaded the latest version, paid my upgrade fee and had a DVD, all in about 15 minutes. I think that's pretty nifty.

Of course, now I will read the instructions...but it says a lot for the developer that I was able to do this without reading any instructions. (Of course, I really should have paid attention to the Resave in Version 5 warning!)


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Guest Techman1


Welcome back! There really has been a lot of changes and all for the positive. I for one, appreciate hearing from someone else that has experienced immediate success with PTE's new Video Builder. It really does save several steps in creating quality DVD's. Igor and the WnSoft team are already working on version 5.1 of PTE which according to Igor will have several improvements in the Video Builder product. Right now it works very well for me and I'm sure in the future it will be even better. I'm glad it worked for you too!

Take care and don't be a stranger.



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I've owned PTE through many versions and in the past was unable to successfully burn a DVD.

I checked in yesterday after not visiting for a long time and saw that we now have a Video Builder that works right in the program.

Downloaded the latest version, paid my upgrade fee and had a DVD, all in about 15 minutes. I think that's pretty nifty.

Of course, now I will read the instructions...but it says a lot for the developer that I was able to do this without reading any instructions. (Of course, I really should have paid attention to the Resave in Version 5 warning!)


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