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Everything posted by roymac

  1. Hi I have tried many time to log onto the Cottage site but get the "The page cannot be displayed" any help please? Roy
  2. Hi Granot, Thanks for the info, I will let you know how I get on. Regards Roy
  3. Hi Boxig, Is it possible to add effects from Swish (like the Type effects) to PTE shows? Roy McNamara
  4. I would like to thank in particular “Miichel” for inspiring me to get involved with producing slide shows. The shows I have downloaded from his web site have opened my eyes as to what can be achieved. Because of the ease of displaying and downloading from his site it has also inspired me to build a similar site to his, is there any help out there with doing that. I am a photographer with an interest in computing rather than the other way around With my web question I am interested in having the ability on my site (like“Miichel”) of displaying my slide shows and for others to download them. I find it so dificult to email reasonable size shows to my son in Australia, I see this as the only way over this problem.
  5. Hi, Thanks Fred and Jim for you prompt comments, I will have a play around with your ideas. With my web question I am interested in having the ability on my site (like“Miichel”) of displaying my slide shows and for others to download them. I find it so dificult to email reasonable size shows to my son in Australia that I see this as the only way over the problem. Roy Wales UK
  6. As a newcomer to the forum I would like to thank all of you for helping me to get my first comprehensive slide show up and running, one that has both navigational bars and a menu driven opening screen. I have read with interest all the posting on the subjects that I am interested in and by this means have found the know how to progress. I have been playing around with PTE (now the 4.2 beta version) for the last few months and have been both thrilled and enthused with the simple slide shows I have produced to date and now with the addition of being able to use the object editor I see me spending far more hours building up slide shows than taking photos during these long winter months. Can I make the following remarks or ask the following questions: You must excuse me if I cross the bounds of many topics in this my first posting but I know you will indulge me on this one occasion! (1) On the question of music being used on the show containing the opening screen, is the answer to have it as background on that show and have none on the others, would it not just continue over all of them? May not suit all applications but on the one I am building it would be ok, I have yet to test the theory. (2) Keeping on the music subject, is it possible to fade one tune into another at a precise slide position without having going to go to the bother of stitching the MP3’s together? (3) I would like to thank in particular “Miichel” for inspiring me to get involved with producing slide shows. The shows I have downloaded from his web site have opened my eyes as to what can be achieved. Because of the ease of displaying and downloading from his site it has also inspired me to build a similar site to his, is there any help out there with doing that. I am a photographer with an interest in computing rather than the other way around. That’s all for now, thanks for your indulgence and your help Roy Wales UK
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