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Posts posted by jmG-06100

  1. It's good to see quick fixes like this time.

    Note that my old software "PTE AV Studio 10.5 Pro" tells me that it is "Version: 10.5.9 (64 bits) Build2" ; Great.

    Every time I upload a new version 11, like this one, I have no indication of the "build", just "version: 11.0 (64 bits)", which is a bit frustrating as I cannot be sure to use the latest one.  That should be solved for V12, I know.

  2. I have lately been using the Beta 7 Version 11.0.0 (stamped "05 December").

    "Help / Check for Free Updates" returns: "You are using the latest version of PTE AV Studio Pro 11.0.0".

    Now that I just installed "PTE AV Studio 11 Release Candidate 3" (stamped "23 December"), I get the same message with this query.

    It is a pity that updates cannot be found directly from the program in use.

    Details on the "Build" version would help decide which version is the latest.

  3. Thanks, Jill, for testing too.

    My slide shows are usually shown via a Full HD projector (or a standard TV) with a maximum pixel count of 1980 horizontally, which I do not change.  In that case, I need to touch the magic golden lock to activate different aspect ratios.  I can also use a 4K TV, with double the pixel count.

    The pixel dimension of 1600x1200 for a 4:3 aspect ratio is a good idea for pictures to be printed, but not useful for a TV show, in my case.

  4. Hi Igor


    Thank you for the rapid change.

    At first, the new feature appeared NOT to work and the shown aspect ratio for export was NOT the actual project ratio, but the one previously used.

    I've moved between different projects with aspect ratios of 3:2, 16:10 and 16:9.

    I then discovered the little yellow lock, shown between Width and Height.  If activated (or de-activated?), this lock gives the proper dimension for the calculated Height. Good.

    But shifting from project to project, this little yellow lock needs to be touched every time.  Note that upon change of project, I choose "NOT" for the answer to: "Project has been changed.  Do you want to save it?". 

    By default, I think that I prefer that the project aspect ratio is used for the export of its slides.  Is that possible?  Thanks again for listening to your users.

  5. The aspect ratio defined in Project / Project options can vary from one project to another.

    I often use 16/9, but also 16/10 so that I do not need to crop too much my photos which have a native aspect ratio of 4/3 = 16/12.

    When export slides to Images, it would be nice if the current project ratio was used for the resulting image.  Presently this is not updated when using this new (and most useful) feature.  It can be manually input, for sure, but then this value "sticks" for the next project where it may not be correct.

    • Like 1
  6. Windows 10 comes with a large number of fonts. To find out which fonts are available on your computer, click Start or press the Windows key on your keyboard, type fonts and click Fonts at the top of the menu: (...).

    The above is a free translation provided by www.deepl.com from the help article:


    <<Windows 10 est fourni avec un grand nombre de polices de caractères. Pour savoir quelles polices sont disponibles sur votre ordinateur, cliquez sur Démarrer ou appuyez sur la touche Windows du clavier, tapez polices et cliquez sur Polices dans la partie supérieure du menu : (…).>>


    As an example, I have downloaded the "Celtic" looking Roman Uncial Modern from:


    Just search for "free download fonts" in your web browser.

  7. Good news, this version 11.  Thanks, Igor, for the beta tests.

    The output of each slide as a JPG file (or PNG) works quickly.  Good.

    It takes the appearance of each slide at time zero. In the case of animations that build on the first image shown, it may be interesting to be able to record the last appearance of each slide, or perhaps the state of the slide in the middle of the animation. 

    What does the user community suggest?

  8. Hello everybody
    I have just tried my suggestion to Rosemary, but it does NOT work: Lightroom can be told which image to display for a given video, but that is a feature within Lightroom and the original video file is not changed: Same vignette as before.

    Definetly a feature I would like to find in a future revision: to be able to choose which image in the video appears in the MS/Windows explorer (or Finder with Mac).

    • Like 1

    After “Creating HD and 4K video” is completed, there are two options offered: Play or Close.
    The actual location of the resulting video is shown at the bottom of the window (good), but there is no possibility to Copy/Paste it.
    I would like a third option: “Show in Finder” / “Show in Explorer”, similar to what is offered in the export module of Adobe/Lightroom.
    This will allow me to easily retrieve the resulting *.mp4 file and copy it to my USB-key for display on my TV.

  10. I wish to have more than the standard ten (10) previous projects shown in "File / Open Recent Project".
    I believe that this is easily achieved by editing some kind of "parameter" or "ini" file, but I cannot remember which one and where.  Please tell me the line to edit.
    Such a choice could well be proposed in the "Settings" menu, right?
    Many thanks in advance.

  11. No problem with this text "Un champ de maïs longe la côte" with MS/Windows 10 for me.

    Igor: On a French keyboard, you can enter these diacritic characters by hitting first the key at the righht hand of "AZERTYUIOP", and then the letter to which this sort of accent is added.  It works the same with the "grave" accent to be found with [ALT-GR][7] to give À for instance.

    Similarly to get: ü, ö, ê, î , etc.

  12. Many thanks for the new link, which works fine.

    I like the new version better.  The historical details on Sainte Odile have now been moved near the end : good idea as a conclusion.

    I would keep the Road Sign just before you take us on the (long) walk to the hill, amongst the moss covered tree stumps (all green features), etc.  The colourful foliage (red & orange) is more the starting point that the journey itself (to me).  Also the song would probably start at that moment and accompany us to the climb.  JUST MY OPINION.

    Anyway, congratulations for your efforts.  You'll have a lot of pleasure using PTE for your slideshows, I'm sure.

    Jean-Marc G.

  13. Thank you, Matthieu, for this pleasant walk up to Mont Sainte Odile.


    In addition to the very valid comments above, I'd like to offer the following:

    At the very start, the Stork is a well-known symbol of Alsace, but this may not be known to your international audience here on the forum (Russia, Australia, Great Britain, USA, etc.). Just the words "Alsace, France" on the side would have helped set the scene.

    When there are several lines of text (at 1:20), you should give yourself enough time to read the full text out loud twice, so that we have sufficient time to discover the whole text at our own speed.

    The flag at 02:54 is seen on the back side: you could do a 180° rotation so that the text reads correctly as SANCTA OTILIA.

    The map of the various building (at 03:10) is cut on the left, which does not look clean.  Just put a "black curtain" on the left so that we do not read parts of words like (méro)vingien, (Notre-)Dame, etc.

  14. Like most, I uusually opt for the ratio 16/9 of my 4K TV screen, which is also the ratio for the projector at my photo-club (when we can reconvene).

    Sometimes, it is 16/10 so that I do not need to crop too much my photos (which are taken at the ratio 4/3 = 1.33).

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