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Posts posted by Ernst

  1. One of the greatest features that PTE has is now the synchronization timeline where we can work directly on. We can now move transition points very easily. I was wondering if such timeline could be expanded in the future, so that we could also move the bars (shadows) of the transition lenghts? This I think could allow very nice (dramatic is to much to say!) effects in slideshows, if you have to speed up or slow down transition times, and also move the transition point, shortening or expanding the time of exposure of that particular slide. So you could give variable speeds to your show in different portions of it.

    I know we can go to customize inidividual slides, and it works fine, but how about having the shop alltogether in the timeline window? In the future maybe we could also play with the sound on a paralell timeline?



  2. Maybe this item has already been discussed in this forum, or in the old forum. If so, please point me to the right thread.

    Experiment 1.

    I have been working on some slides and wanted to import an image (item 1) as an Object (using the object editor)

    If you look for the object, you can browse to the folder where it is located and import it.

    OK, up to here.

    I was wondering if it is possible to click on that object once in the object editor, make a copy and paste it into my image processing software (PSP7). PSP7 is open already in another window. This I would like to do to process that item 1 (let´s say resize, apply some sharpening, trim, etc.)

    I can copy in the object editor, but when I go to PSP and want to paste, the option is greyed out, or, if I previously had copied an image from within PSP I get that same image back. No way to paste my object of PTE. Conclusion: The copy and paste function is specific to the Object Editor of PTE. Right?

    Experiment 2

    I process an image in PSP7, and when ready I click, and Copy.

    Then I go to the Object Editor of PTE, and Paste. What I get is the object I had in the clipboard, (but originally coming from PTE) and it was the same that I have been processing in PTE, but not the one I copied from PSP. Do you still follow me?

    Experiment 3

    I have been successful moving images from one image processor to another, just copy and paste, and it works. Back and forth.

    No more experiments. Now, questions, and proposals.

    Question 1. Is the clipboard specific to each software ? My first answer would be No. Experiment 3 shows it is not. The clipboard is a general function and facility of Windows

    Question 2. If the copy and paste from one image processor to the other works, why is it not possible to take an ibject from within the Object Editor of PTE, export it to your image processor and bring it back in the way and shape you need it.

    Question 3. Would there be a way that this feature could be implemented in PTE, in further versions? Or, is it possible to do what I trying to do? Copy and Paste image object from PTE to PSP, back and forth

    I am thinking about this, because sometimes it is important to make last-minute adjustments of an object (image) from the Object Editor of PTE.

    As was discussed several times, nobody pretends that PTE does everything, from brushing your hair to take your children to school. The program has been kept amazingly small and if adding feature it may become unstable, No thank you.

    So, if there would be the possibility to use the clipboard of Windows universally, and not PTE-specific, one could then go back and forth from your PTE-show-in-preparation, to your image processor software, and then come back with your final product (your edited object).

    On the other hand, maybe PTE could allow to jump to your preferred image processor software, adding that option in the Options tab. This would be something like: Go to your preferred image editor.

    Finished with this part.

    Next: I was wondering (may I play newbie for a moment?) what does the Path and Name of Sound Editor in Options mean. I put mine, and nothing happens, except that it asks me the same question every time I click on that option.

    If this option means that you can go to your preferred sound editor (sorry I did not find out yet how to do it), and then edit some sound for your show, wouldn´t it be possible to implement such a feature for images too? Path and Name of your Image Processor?

    Enough for now

    Thank you for your patience.



  3. :D

    Just back after a very busy time writing a book and revising proofs, finishing courses and a long vacation in the south (with only dial-up connection). I was absent from the forum, and Guido asked why. Hola, Guido! Now to business.

    Igor, I just downloaded v 4 and started playing a bit with this version, and I am really happy and impressed with this version. I want to thank you for your creativity, work, and time. The program is stable, the synchronization is great. The program runs smoothly and the synchronization works fine.

    I hope soon to be able to upload one PTE show to Beechbrook´s site.

    Well, happy to be back, and happy to have downloaded a nice piece of art: version 4 of PTE. I hope to be active again reading and posting in this forum from now on.



  4. I have seen an increasing interest in this forum -as other software competing software for slideshows advances in its development and introduces new and useful features- than many features of that other software be incorporated into PTE. Why?

    Why not go there and buy the other one? How far do we want to push, induce, recommend PTE´s development, and how far we would like it to go, based on what we see in other areas of cybermarket? Why? What are the merits of the other software? What should be wished here?

    Just curious!



  5. Hi, anthrodoc:

    You have posted a very interesting subject, and I think it is VERY pertinent.

    The way we showed slides before and now has changed quiet a lot, at least in my field (university teaching and research) and I would suggest that we stay here discussing about, and not just emailing you (of course we could do both).

    I am from that "era"? when the use of slideshows was quiet different and may be not so frequent.

    Let me talk about my experience. In the seventies (last century!) I used slideshows (35mm slides) with a projector and synchronization of slide change with pulses issued from a cassette, through a special cassette player that changed these pulses into a change to Next slide.

    I never could make it ($$$$) to have two projectors doing soft fading, and other possible effects. I was impressed when I saw it first in an introductory slideshow, synchronized and with music and narration, in a Park in San Diego, CA. And I was impressed thirty years later, when I knew about Igor´s fading effects in PTE shows. What a change! Quiet a change also, going from my old DEC computer (at work) with 4 K of memory the OS taking about 3, FOCAL programming and sometimes setting the system with switches, and then Commodore PET, Vic 20, Commodore 64, and then the present.

    Well, back.

    I used my shows for different reasons:

    To tell about trips and work made (Antarctica, Easter Island, Disneyland, Argentina, Paraguay, Kenya, etc). These were usually long shows. Let´s say, from 20 min to 1 hour. Would sound very boring now, when you have to sit in front of a PC screen watching a show, or even have it on a CD, VCD or whatsoever for that long time. You have to synthetize it, from one hour to 10 minutes? Certainly reducing the number of slides and explanations, and all that. Just images and sound?

    But strangely enough, there was time, and people interested in knowing and travelling with you. Of course not so much TV, cable, satellite, internet, wireless home phones, cell phones, CDs, PC. UFF! competing with your life, time, comfort and patience. Good old times?

    Preparing these shows was also very entertaining. I used to record sound in the field, edit, mix (sorry to mention, open reel tape recorders, mixers, vinyl records with sound effects and music, scripts, narration. These shows had the advantage that you could show it to large audiences. I remember going with my shows to people in-jail, a monastery, schools, boy-scouts, other communities, student groups, family, etc. These shows were portable (well, yes, in some way portable), sometimes heavy to carry around. Projector, slides (sometimes 100, 200?), cables, spare lamps, tapes, screen. Slide projector were not that expensive, nor the tape recorder/synchronized play. But showing these to people was rewarding and this gathering was also social, in the sense of a few breaks for coffee and cookies, conversation, discussion afterwards, more contacts, more invitations to show the same. One important thing. You could not give your show away, to friends and relatives (make copies of 100-200 slides, music, etc; many of them did not have a projector or possibilities to play synchronized shows)

    Well, things have changed quiet a bit.

    I no longer show those 35 mm slide shows, well, because the world has changed, is going too fast for this now, and the offer of communication media is too huge.

    What to do? Some of the thousands of 35 mm slides are being scanned now. A job that can take more than a life. Synchronization, music, effects? Well, just sit in front of your PC screen, and have it all there.

    What to show? Certainly a personal decision. To whom to show it? Well, open.

    Where to show? Also open, from PC screen, although maybe the least convenient way to socialize, having usually the smallest spot in the house to keep your PC in your house, and a lot of family and friends, and probably a small monitor screen or a notebook without active screen, where the best angle of viewing will just allow for one person?

    In a large auditorium. Well, yes, possible. Get a multimedia projector, and take your notebook, and show. In some communities where you want to share your experiences, they do not have such projector. Buy it yourself? Well, still expensive and the results not so good. Have been using the very good projectors in teaching and they still do not compare to projecting a plain 35 mm through a normal projector on a screen. AND digitize all your old 35 mm to show them through this projector with poor results? Hmmm. I still use lots of slides for teaching purposes. Although I could have them all digitized, to show them with projectores might give mixed results. Even adjusted, I sometimes show green trees that are seen yellow on the screen. Since my classes are on the environment and ecology and not modern art, I prefer the old way for landscapes, detailed graphics and tables that will show as they have been originally built in the nature or conceived in a color graphic.

    It is certainly ideal to be able to show this on a CD, and a TV set, in a larger room. There are ways to do and many communitieshave these sets.

    Can you give it away? Of course. To give it to people as an executable, a VCD, or other forms. You can upload and download. Well, you can do many things with your production.

    Of course things have changed.

    I could not come up now with a 45 minute multimedia slide-show and go from here to there. Maybe 100 people in a room?

    What to do with huge amounts of slides.

    How to distribute?

    How long should a show be? Can we discuss each slide, will wehave time for it? Or will we have to make a movie-like show from stills synchronized and faded? Should we synchronize each one for two to four seconds only?

    For me, this is confusing sometimes on what to do, how to do it, for what purpose, and how far can you stretch your satisfaction to be doing nice, entertaining and useful work?

    Anyway, thanks again, anthrodoc, for allowing me to express some of my feelings, about the evolution you mentioned and invited to discuss. I do not feel old, nor far from digital technology. I am familiar doing this, but still have my concerns on how the best use should be and CAN be with present technology and needs. I am not looking back in nostalgy, to 35 mm slides, noisy projectors, burning of lamps, and all the hassle recording the soundtracks, etc, etc. I am not in any think-tank of the world, but always going with the time as a consumer, and not so much as a creator. What can be expected in digitial multimedia, and shows, and all that, when you will be able maybe soon to have some more sofisticated applications for the magnet on your refrigerator door?

    Well, sorry for this may be boring and long post (essay?), but the invitation of anthrodoc was challenging.



  6. Truelight:

    Thank you for setting up this poll. Before voting, I would like to indicate that probably you placed two things here that are equally important:

    One is the forum and its present organization (therefore your good idea to have us voting) and another very different one is the development of PTE.

    This said because the producer of PTE is not moderating the forum, so it will not take up his time and then slow down the development of PTE. I understand that the forum was set up by invitation by Igor, and that it is our responsbility to keep it going, and we inside happy.

    So voting for both alternatives is the best way to say: I am very happy that Igor is devoted to PTE development and I am happy or unhappy on how the forum is organized and functioning.

    I vote for both: Let Igor develope PTE, and maybe some of the founding fathers could moderate and organize. These forums allow to have several moderators, AND several sub-forums.

    Regards, and thanks for the poll. I voted for a better organization of the forum, but will be happy that PTE is developing according to the vision of Igor and other perceptions of us in the wish-lists.



  7. Yes, certainly, this ALSO is in our wish-list.

    Maybe Wnsoft does not know how it is done? I understand that Invision board is good and great stuff and has the capability to subdivide forums.

    Just the first page of this forum a while ago (of a total of ca. 170 topics):

    Ranked by Read

    Replies Read

    0 5

    1 48

    1 49

    2 85

    6 85

    2 89

    1 104

    3 108

    3 114

    5 135

    7 140

    12 162

    9 171

    1 172

    9 183

    4 203

    9 239

    10 283

    10 319

    Ranked by Replies

    Replies Read

    0 5

    1 48

    1 49

    1 104

    1 172

    2 85

    2 89

    3 108

    3 114

    4 203

    5 135

    6 85

    7 140

    9 171

    9 183

    9 239

    10 283

    10 319

    12 162

    Lots reading, no more than 12 replies for 162 readers, no more than 10 replies for 319 readers, threads started several times, and so on. It is getting very messy, and one starts losing interest in reading back and forth. Finally if you want to answer to a post of a thread started several times, where do you post?

    I understand it is not difficult to divide the BIG forum-site in sub-forums.

    I am using Ikonboard at my place (just starting) and it works fine and it is really easy to implement. Admoinbistrator of forum have several powerful tools to manage the forums.

    You even can move posts from one forum to the other. So, if here the house is cleaned up, it should be easy for the administrator to group posts (and/or threads) into categories.



  8. Granot:

    At what time in the night or during the day do you sleep?

    Your last? version is great, elegant, fine design, friendly interface, animated border, icons, WOW!.

    Thank you so much!


    How about joining efforts with slideshow producing companies?

    Thanks again



  9. Yes, Bart. That is a good idea. We could use that one in the meantime, until we get organized here.

    I have also a forum system, one large umbrella and several sub-forums in there, and so it is not messy and people can select what they want to talk about. Still small in members, but gradually getting better.

    We have already 87 (eighty seven) topics in this PicturesToExe forum here. A bit too much? B)

    Admin, please!



  10. "Polar bears of San Francisco Zoo" fits perfect.

    Truelight. I have a different feeling. I think that Granot and nobeefstu have made a very nice contribution, that, as any human production, can be perfectible. And they certainly will be working on that program. I think that positive opinions surely are majority in the appreciation of forum members.

    BTW. It´s blue now, not purple.

    If you mean that you want a start menu as for example ProShowGold has it for executables, that might eventually be a different story. It´s nice, too, but I think Small is Beautiful (of course not for everything!).



  11. TrueLight:

    Thanks for your post about the PhotoPrint Calendar software.

    While approaching the end of the year (and the end of a beautiful calendar I had here), this information will be really useful. To produce a personal calendar with your own photos is very nice! And also to give them away to relatives and friends.

    Thanks again for pointing to this software. And great, it´s free and I can produce the calendar also in different languages, and mark holidays and sundays.



  12. Granot:

    This is a great utility. I have just put some short test-shows together. I even used some tests of PTE and some of another slideshow software, that already had menues. Both are exe files. It´s fantastic, and VERY useful. I know that you made an effort on this, and do not dare to suggest changes.

    But, if allowed, how about having a background for the whole page and sit your utility on that? In this moment the utility opens on the desktop, but there (at leat my case I have a mess of icons) it might be sitting on icons, wallpaper, folders, etc. So probably you could sit your utility on a 1024x768 or a 800x600 neutral or image background. If this background then could have colors, that eventually could be chosen, even better.

    I think that Igor should talk to you and make an agreement to include this utility in the next version of PTE. I have seen such a menu page in other slideshow software and it´s really useful for shows´navigation.

    Granot, thanks again for this utility.



  13. I have seen in this Forum several topics with a very confusing Title and Description, or no Description at all. May I ask to be more specific as to this?

    I think members can help better if they know what the request is about. For example, Error, How To?, Problem, Help, do not help very much, although may be challenging to find out what the message is about.

    But being a bit more precise can help to decide, whether you will be able to help, or read later, or not read nor help at all.

    And this certainly will be of help too to the member that posted, if he/she is specific and points to the center of the question.



  14. Leif:

    Yes, you are right. It´s possible to capture mp3, too.

    For me it is just a matter of preferences. I prefer, and feel comfortable when I manage large files and want effects, moving around, cut and pasting, glueing together, to work with Wav editors. I feel it gives me more flexibility than working with mp3 files to do that editing. It is also possible to edit those mp3 files in sound editors. I understand that they transform mp3 to wav first, internally, to do that processing, and then back?

    I compare this (I may be wrong) with getting TIF files from photo scanners and then need or want the final version as JPG file. I usually work first with the TIF file before compressing.

    But, as said, it´s just a matter of personal preferences.

    Ref. Total Recorder. I have done a lot of search, and this is the one that I found, and liked. It does what I needed.



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