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Posts posted by RudiRe

  1. Your class computers might have some kind of a lock, so that nobody can change certain windows settings. I for example deny access to the registry and desktop settings for users at my computer without a certain password.

    Just an idea. It's hard to say from the distance.

  2. Dear David,

    you either use already existing icons or you make your own ones, but then you should use a specialized program just for that purpose. Well, you can make icons in any graphic program, but with specialized programs it's easier.

    I've tested quite a bunch of those Icon programs. The best I came across so far is called Icon Edit Pro v7.03. It's an austrian software - very good.


  3. RodB,

    you either completely misunderstood my proposal, or maybe it didn't express myself clearly enough, since english is not my native language.

    Nearly everything in the NeoBook Demo can be done with PTE as well.

    The NeoBook Demo gives the user a good insight into that program.

    So my thought was, having a similar Demo for PTE, respectively made with PTE.

  4. I just discovered an interesting program, called NeoBook 4.1.

    Very similar to PTE, yet much more expensive ($199.95)

    There is a tour ready for download as a standalone exe, which can be downloaded at


    This presentation (838 KB) has been made with NeoBook. It is very informative and shows the programs potential.

    Now my proposal:

    I think, we should have a similar presentation for PTE, also made with PTE, which interested newbies then can download from wnsoft.com to get a quick, competent overall idea.

    Please download the NeoBook presentation and have a look at it. You then immediately get the idea, and also an interesting comparison between NeoBook and PTE.

    I'm looking forward, what you think about it.

  5. Hi boxig,

    I want to suggest something.

    Could you in the future please write some introduction in the forum to your utilities you upload to beechbrook, what it's for and what it will do.

    This way, users would know in advance, prior to downloading, whether or not he/she needs it.

    Otherwise, at least I feel like a hunter in the dark.

  6. RodB,

    I think, it's NOT a matter of what software you use, but which content, artistery, design and "pictorial grammer" you wrap up with it.

    If you don't have anything so say with a presentation, it doesn't matter, whether you bore your audience with Swish, MMB or PTE.

    Dull content without imagination will stay dull in all software applications.

    On the other hand, PTE can do MUCH more than just adding slides with transitions and having a music run underneath it. Most PTE users just don't have the need to go beyond the mere slideshow function.

    I agree with you, that the whole concept of slideshows is somehow "out of time", feels oldfashioned and overcome, but there still is the possibility, to make good and interesting ones.

    The most often made mistakes I've encounterd (not only in PTE, but also in RL slideshows) are:

    1.) The author has no feeling for timing and keeps individual slides standing there for much too long. That's why most slideshows come in one of the three sizes

    Too Long

    Much Too Long


    Very Much Too Long

    He/she overvalues his/her images regarding aesthetic value and reception time. In most cases, less would have been more. Rather make your audience want to see your presentation twice, instead of boring them to death at the first run. Reception time and subtext are the real heartbeep of a presentation, but certainly NOT the rhythm of some kind of music, that has NOT been composed for ones slideshow.

    2.) Many slideshow makers make themselves to slaves of the music length. So they stretch the duration of the images to fit the music.

    My experience as a film editor: Make it first work visually - WITHOUT MUSIC. If it works visually, it will work with music as well, but not necessarily vice versa.

    Remember, it's called slideshow and not musicshow with slides.

    Imagery always should have the priority in your artistic thinking while working on a presentation. If needed, shorten the music. Doing it this way, most presentations would be much shorter (and better).

    3.) Don't put all your available pictures in a presentation, but make a selection of the best and bring them either in a logic or visual order, in order to achieve a psychological foreward-movement. Screensize-progression (either IN or OUT) is extremely important. If mixed up, it creates a feeling of either chaos or arbitrarity.

    These rules I teach my students at various film schools in the first semester, besides some technical stuff. It is often a painful struggle to say farewell to a students favorite shot, which doesn't mean anything to an audience. One has to overcome the so called private semantics and must be able to become a hypothetical audience. It's a schizophrenic switch of mind-trick every film editor must make a couple of hundred times every day. Call me Schizo!

    There are tons of pictorial/visual rules.

    Best thing to do is to forget them .......... after you've learned and internalized them.

  7. Guru,

    for that purpuse, I'm using my professional film-sound equipment, which I mainly use for film editing purposes, being either a Sony DAT DTC-2000ES or the Nagra IV (from Kudelski) as recording machines and as microphones either the directional studio microphone MKH 816 T by Sennheiser or, as well by Sennheiser, the MD 421.

    This equipment is NOT for amateur use and the cost for it can only be justified by its professional standards.

    PS: The NAGRA is the tape recorder, live action film-sound is being recorded with worldwide. It's a professional standard ever since the Sixties. It's probably one of the most famous and most excellent technical devices ever developped for the movie industry.

    To get an impression:



  8. Wow, that's really an informative forum too.

    I feel sorry, that EAC didn't work for you (yet).

    Maybe another application is occupying the "find CD" function.

    There's one posting there, that sounded promising to me, which was

    copying wnaspi.dll from my \win32 dir into the EAC application directory.

    Would be great, if we could get EAC going for you.

  9. I downloaded various samples from all of these free sound effect libraries.

    I'm sorry to tell you, that their general sound quality is VERY poor. The bit rate is low, and many effects sound chopped off at the end.

    From about 250 downloaded effects, I decided to keep 4.

    Maybe my quality standards are out of this world, but my "hand-and-self-made-sound-effects" came out much much better.

    At least in this case, the saying you get what you pay for seems applicable.

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