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Posts posted by Bert

  1. I always used to make MP4 but recently I looked at sending my show in to a competition and according to the requirements I can not send in MP4 or EXE files. AVI files are allowed. I made an AVI video file with PTE,nothing custom I think, just 1920 x 1080, high quality, and 30P. That played fine, and I hope the opportunity to make these files will stay as it is.


  2. Brian,

    I use Xrite Color Munki Display, it is very easy to use and works well. The only problem I have had with it is when I had to download an update and could not do it. After calling them they told me to shut off my virus protection. After that I could download the update.


  3. Hi Bill,

    I like also to thank you for all the years you made it possible for us to download and upload PTE shows and for all the work and money you put in the Beechbrook site.

    The new site looks nice and is easy to navigate, maybe I missed it but it possible from this site also to get an e-mail when a new show is uploaded, just you did from your site?



  4. Hi Sam,

    Thanks for sending me the link to Diapositiv, so I could finally download your imaginative show.

    What a delightful dream and fairytale, everything came together beautifully, the colors and the constant changing back grounds, all the 3D images and a sweet dancing girl.

    You must have spend a lot of time on making this Holiday Season Show.

    Thanks for showing it.

    Merry Christmas,


  5. Hi Ken,

    Thanks for your help, unfortunately it does not work.

    I right click on your link.

    Get "save target as" and click on that.

    A screen" opens and I can see the place where all my other saved EXE files are.

    I see the file name "theatre_En_exe and save as type (*.*)

    I click save and a message comes "theatre_En_exe could not be downloaded"

    Maybe it has something to do with my provider's (ATT) security


  6. Hi Sam,

    I have tried multiple times over the last two days to download your show.

    Every time I get the message:

    Oops! Internet Explorer could not connect to www.samwhuel.com

    It must be some setting in "internet explorer" on my computer, because I see that other people have downloaded this site.

    Does anybody know what I have to change in "Explorer" to get access to Sam's show?

    I lowered the security settings already, but that did not help.



  7. Maureen,

    I have seen an other show where your son did the photography, so I knew he has a great eye.

    These where beautiful composed landscapes of a interesting place.

    It seemed that the images where all on for the same amount of time, and that made the show a little monotone,

    and I would have liked a little more variation in the time some images were on the screen.

    Thanks for showing.


  8. Hi Dave,

    My media player is in my DVD player. It has an USB port and I have played MP4 slideshows with that. But they where all automatic. I can play an automatic MP4 show with the play and pause button of the remote control. I tried to make this MP4 from a PTE file that has all the slide durations set at 10 sec. I had also ticket the box, "wait for key press to show next file". When I tried to make the MP4, the video builder freezes, and I have to force shut down the computer. I tried the same file with the box "wait for key press to show next file" un-ticket, but the video player froze again. When I go in the task manager, every time there are 2 media players shown, and both say "Video Builder not running". I have made many MP4 files from PTE shows, (never from a manual show) and had never any freezing before. There is no zooming or panning in this show, only a few different dissolves and two music pieces with the sound at zero procent. I am going to take the music out at my next try, as it is not necessary.



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