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Lost Sound


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Just downloaded latest Beta and liked what I saw.

Yesterday created a short PTE with some small MOV files (initially as slides, but then as objects) and all seemed well, including sound in videos.

Have now returned to the PTE and have no sound

I have tried creating a new PTE with just one MOV file, and again no sound

I then tried a new PTE with simple jpg and an mp3 file, again no sound

I then opened 6.5 and opened a pte created in 6.5 - only created yesterday and I have no sound

I have now opened several older pte files and can no longer hear sound on any of them

In addition, the EXE files created from these shows no longer have sound

I've checked that outside P2E that sound is playing OK - Window Media Player, Quick Time Player and also EXE created via ProShow all OK

Has Beta 7.10 done something which is affecting my earlier 6.5 and other shows ?


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Hi Fergy,

What I would suggest is taking one of your executable files and playing it on another computer. If you have sound, then the issue is with your system and not with the files. I doubt that the problem is other than a setting on your computer. It's not feasible that the beta would affect your settings, but there are other possibilities. First, if you could tell us what operating system you are using, then perhaps one of us can help you unravel this mystery.

Best regards,


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The fact that the problem is confined to your main PC strongly suggests that there is some kind of fault (hardware/software/settings) in that system. To assist in isolating the area that is at fault can I suggest the following approach:

- find a short piece of sound (an mp3 file, NOT a WAV, OGG, WMA or anything else) which plays correctly through your usual media player software on the same PC that is giving you problems

- then open PTE and create a new project, just one slide and just this one sound file added via Project Options|Music

- what length of sound does PTE think this file is as shown in the Project Options|Music tab?

- how does that compare to the length as shown by hovering the mouse over the mp3 file in Windows Explorer?

- does this little project preview correctly: i.e. with sound audible?

Knowing this will give us a "baseline" upon which we can make further deductions and inferences; and hopefully move the diagnosis along to a successful conclusion.



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Thanks for the input

I just posted that I had resolved (?) the problem by carrying out a system restore

I am just about to go on holiday for a week so will not be able to explore Beta 7 until I get back, but if problem recurs I'll try your suggestions, in case it is an obscure bug within the program, and may be real issue, rather than something specific to my PCs configuration.

Again thanks for your suggestions


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