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Phuket's Night Market (Thailand)


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Location: Phuket, Thailand.

Year: November 2011.

Aspect ratio: 16:9.

Screen resolution: 1920x1080.

Videos: Reduced most videos to 640x360 and a bitrate of 2000 in order to reduce the file size. I did keep a couple videos at the original resolution to retain better detail.

Size of file: 76 Mbs.

Run time: 2:10.

Manual control (yes/no): Yes.

Camera and lens: Nikon Coolpix AW100.

Any other info that you can provide: This is a short show with all videos on a background image. It is just the tip of the iceberg as far as what you will see at the Night Market in Phuket.


Comments and critique welcomed.


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Thanks for posting this one, it certainly give an insight into the working of Night Market in Phuket; looking at the sheer quantity and variety of food available, it's a wonder how most of the local population are not over weight.

I like the quality and clarity of the night time video shots, and the concept of the in car sequence; I think an award for bravery should go to the driver.

My shortcoming are around the question of 'is this an AV slideshow'? As a video production in its own right, it works remarkably well, but as a slideshow I am not so sure.

I do think that video sequences inserted into AV shows do add a little extra interest, so with this in mind, I would be tempted to reduce the length of the video sequence, and then top and tail it with some still photos to paint the scene. this would provide as a lead in to the video, and maintain the boundary and space between video and AV slideshow.

Thank you for sharing it with us.

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Thanks for posting this one, it certainly give an insight into the working of Night Market in Phuket; looking at the sheer quantity and variety of food available, it's a wonder how most of the local population are not over weight.

I like the quality and clarity of the night time video shots, and the concept of the in car sequence; I think an award for bravery should go to the driver.

My shortcoming are around the question of 'is this an AV slideshow'? As a video production in its own right, it works remarkably well, but as a slideshow I am not so sure.

I do think that video sequences inserted into AV shows do add a little extra interest, so with this in mind, I would be tempted to reduce the length of the video sequence, and then top and tail it with some still photos to paint the scene. this would provide as a lead in to the video, and maintain the boundary and space between video and AV slideshow.

Thank you for sharing it with us.



Thanks for the comments. Yes, the Night Market in Phuket is quite an event to experience. I didn't take any still images because only video would bring in the chaotic nature of the place. And it is difficult (for me) to take pictures of people in such a setting. Never sure what they would do. Video seems different. The quality of the video would have been even better if I had used the original 1920x1080 and the 14,000+ bitrate. I had to reduce all of the video (except 2 segments) to 640x360 and a bitrate of 2,000 to get the size file down.

But I can't disagree with you. I should have taken stills and included them. Your question is "Is this an AV slideshow". I think, sure it is. Not the normal one (so far) but I am trying different aspects of using PTE. Igor has open the gates with more possibilities (with video) and I am exploring them. In the past, I used shorter sequences. I tried to see what would happen with using more video--going to the other extreme.

I have found the biggest problem is how large the PTE exe gets. I spent a lot of time figuring out how to reduce it down to a more manageable size. But I can see as time goes on, we will be getting larger PTE shows as more users get into adding video into the shows. I am just pushing my own envelope and learning a lot. This was more of an experiment. And we need to be able to control the audio levels, fade-in and fade-out of video segments in PTE. To me, this is a biggie. You might notice that I did not add any background music because of the conflict with the video audio. To adjust each video segment's audio outside of PTE would be a hair pulling task.

Thanks for watching the show and your comments. In the end, for me it really is just a great way of creating memories and sharing them.


P.S. Actually, any bravery award should go to the people in the back seat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D I shortened a few fingernails throughout Thailand.

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What a huge mistake! I watched this video before lunch while I was hungry and by the time it was over, I was drooling and felt like I was starving. :rolleyes: Seriously, though, great job. I really liked the concept of the overlayed videos. Any chance you would share the PTE file minus the videos? I'm thinking I could use something similar for my rafting videos.

Also, just wondering ... do you buy the food there to take home and cook or do they cook it for you and you eat it on the spot? I did try not to think too much about what our local health departments might think of the operation. Anyway, thanks for sharing.

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What a huge mistake! I watched this video before lunch while I was hungry and by the time it was over, I was drooling and felt like I was starving. :rolleyes: Seriously, though, great job. I really liked the concept of the overlayed videos. Any chance you would share the PTE file minus the videos? I'm thinking I could use something similar for my rafting videos.

Also, just wondering ... do you buy the food there to take home and cook or do they cook it for you and you eat it on the spot? I did try not to think too much about what our local health departments might think of the operation. Anyway, thanks for sharing.



I would be happy to give you the PTE file minus the videos but it really was nothing fancy. All I did was take a snapshot (using VideoPad) of the last frame of the first video and use that as a background image for each of the following videos. So I'd have the snapshot image as the background and bring in a video on top of it and resize it and put a thin white border around the video (using PTE). I did this for each video. Each video faded-out with the next video fading-in...just like still images. Nothing fancy. I can still send it to you if you want. Also, if I take out the videos, all you would have are the background snapshots. So let me know and I can give you the entire PTE file with the videos and I can put it on Mediafire. Then you can play with it.

You saw only a tid-bit of the available food!!! It's all like a humongous collection of 'fast-food' joints that are great fun to watch the action. Most every thing was cooked and you could eat your way right to a heart attack!!! Looked great but we did not sample any of it. They had huge vats of hot oil cooking stuff--I thought if anyone bumped into it or it fell over--ouch!!!! But most everything looked fresh and tasty, as was all the food we had in Thailand and Cambodia!


Added later: I sent you a PM with link to PTE file.

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