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Taste of Cornwall


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Nice, first show from Andrew :D !

When someone puts his first show on beechbrook its always nice and helpful to get some criticism, with the purpose of improving and learning things for the next show.

After consulting Andrew, he agreed to put my positive criticism on this show on the forum. It would be nice to see some more reactions on this.

So my remarks on this:

- Very nice and clever constructed and good fitting backgrounds and borders (sandy coloured background fits well with the theme)

- Good atmospherical mood through the music of Ennya

- Several pictures are not sharp and show pixels, maybe because of saving too many times in jpeg.

- Maybe in some parts of the show slightly too fast transitions.

- Some pictures are not 'punchy' enough, maybe add more levels and/or curves (or saturation)

Overall impression is fairly good! :)

Michel Verhoef

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I would have preferred the images to have been a little larger - there was too much background - and my usual hobby (sea) horse correct the sloping horizons. Other than that some beautiful photography in a very nice sequence.

Ron [uK]

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Very nice first show, Andrew! My favorite thing about the show was the music ... Enya is my favorite singer! :) The music did fit very well with the photos and theme.

You do have some very nice photos, but I agree it would have been nice to see them larger. In the opening slides the larger centered photos were just perfect. The smaller singular slides seemed to get lost in the larger, busier background.

Nice techniques and transitions, although I agree with Michel that some photos went by a little too quickly. Nice work on the text part, too.

Overall for a first presentation I give it two thumbs up! :D


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Well done Andrew. My comments are opinions of what I like. I have generally favored full screen for viewing nice photography. But there always seems to be an artistic addition when a frame is well chosen and then hung with the photo on an exhibit wall - as I think you have done. As for backgrounds, I really like the textured sand you used. I like your framed title slide on the background. As far as presenting small photos on top of each other and moving them around the screen - I think the "device" works better in some cases than in others. We have seen some excellent use on several presentations from the Russian team and others. Sometimes the flow and continuity is interesting. Sometimes I ask why would I want to look at a pile of snapshots instead of a nice presentation size print? On the other hand, the technique can add variety to a pte presentation. I guess it is like other ideas and skills - Where at first, just being able to do it is "enough", but then after "everybody" can "do it", the skillful application becomes what matters. Just like PTE as a whole. Or digital camera. Or film photography.

Thanks for sharing.

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Thanks to everyone for your helpful comments on my show Taste of Cornwall. They will certainly be taken into account in my next show!Especial thanks to Michel Vorhoef whose slide shows were some of the first I downloaded off Beechbrook. They were inspirational in the quality of the photography and their execution. It was after contacting Michel to congratulate him on his superb work that he encouraged me to submit a show of my own.

I have been delighted to see how many people have downloaded the show and to imagine that it is being viewd across the world! It has given me the same sort of pleasure I used to experience as a youngster when I would think about the planes passing over and wonder in which far-off land they would next touch down!

And as always, thanks to Bill as without Beechbrook Cottage much of this would not be posssible.

Best regards.


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