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Losing captions


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Am I misunderstanding something about PicToExe?

If you have made a show and added captions to your slides, changing the order of even one slide in the list loses ALL the captions, right? It's happened to me. Have I missed something?


PS forgot to mention: slide numbering is turned on, because I need it to be. The caption contains the slide number, of course - is this the problem? Is anyone else aware of this?

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I think you are right with it being the Numbering.

Once you check the box to number your sides.

You need to go back in the project option and uncheck it.

If you don't everytime you go into your project options

PTE will renumber all your slides and you lose everything

you had typed in the comments.

I have brought this up in the past but it has not been fixed yet.

My self I think it should be a push button and not a check box.

This would not cause it to renumber everytime you go into the

project obtion menu.


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The simple answer to this is for the slide numbering to be  a separate text field.

I still thank the push button would be the best answer.

when you click on it, it numbers your slides once and it is done.

When I noticed the problem. I was working on a slideshow for viewing.

I wanted the picture name on the slides so viewers could write down

the pictures they wanted to order.

I was making a menu to explain some things to the viewers. So I took the

name of the picture out of the comments on a few slides. As I worked on the

project I would go into the project options. And when I would return to the

slide I would notice my picture names were showing up again.

So for me, I think the push button would work best like the button for "Clear all comments"


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