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MultiShow Tool


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I think perhaps best to start new topic here on Granot's latest work (I hope there is not one I already missed?)

I think his idea for this one is excellent. The MultiShow Player is already excellent, but for some of the features, it is somewhat confusing for the preparing person. The list files, the ord files, the cfg.ini coordination is not easy to keep straight for some of us less techie users. The new MultiShow Tool looks like it will streamline all the "tough" part of using some features of MultiShow.

Go for it Granot!

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:o:o:o what ?! ... ... I didn't finish it yet... :(

Ok, ... it's almost finished. Thank you Robert.

This tool will create for you everything you need for burning your CD

and using "MultiShow Player".

Notice: this is Beta version with simple gray interface (where are you Ken ?).

It maybe that some Help buttons are not updated but it is very easy to use.

Please let me know of any bug, suggestion or just write your feedback. I really

need you to test it and tell me any problem before I publish it as version 1.

Download here:

MultiShow Tool

:P Granot

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Uploaded version 3 with new features on the "Report" page. Now the report will include all your exe shows names and full path, and file size and Total size of all shows, and the free space you have on all drivers. If you have empty CD on the CD-Rom writer it will show no numbers. I also hope I fixed the problem you mentioned in your email.

:( Pleae members, need some feedback. Don't let Robert work alone.


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Hi Granot

Your programme sound just what I need to select a series of 'shows' for different audiences. However, I can't get past step 2. I have sorted the AVs into a show and 'saved as', which has compiled a list in the second window and whereas all of the other buttons work as described, the 'continue' button doesn't do anything. I can double click a show name and it plays fine but the next in line does not play - obviously there are more steps after the 'continue' button. What am I doning wrong please?

Many thanks for a potentially excelent piece of sotware -

Regards RonH (NE UK)

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I can confirm Ron's experience. In your latest version Granot, after creating the .ord file (step 2), the program will not respond to the "Continue" button.

I tested with the same 72 shows that was previously producing the "recurse" error. This latest version handled the 72 shows with no "recurse' error window, but now will not "continue."

Of course working from your sick bed is not required. But knowing you, this kind of problem might help get your mind off uh -

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Ron, you wrote "I can double click a show name and it plays fine but the next in line does not play" but it works ok here. Robert, did you have this problem ?

No, I did not run into the problem Ron described. (If I understand where he means.)

But now the Continue button refuses to work from Step 3. (It works fine from Step 2, which you just fixed.)

Really, though Granot, we can all wait until your health returns!

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The "Step 3" problem was fixed (was same bug as in "Step 2") and uploaded the fixed version.

Another get-well card: The fixed version still won't move from Step 3.

Although Tool is not yet ready, I am already forgetting how to use MultiShow Player without it. Tool will really be quick and slick for Player.

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I hope that you are feeling much better now - I will refrain from any remarks about bugs! Yes, the 'continue' button now works again. I have been right through all of the stages and although it didn't burn me a disc because it couldn't find a .inf? file, I hadn't really completed each stage properly so I was not surprised.

Many thanks (I feel guilty for asking when you were ill) get well soon.

Regards RonH (NE UK)

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Dear friends,

I decided to stop taking my medicine and now I feel much better. I'm on my way to the hospital to check waht's going on with those crazy pills.

Ron, thank you for reminding me about the inf file. I forgot all about it. I will add it. You said that now you could work the all steps while Robert said step 3 still doesn't work. Are you both sure ? Robert, maybe you tried an old version ?

Anyway when back from hospital I will check it again, add the INF file and upload. Will let you know here.

Thank you for your great help


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Ron, thank you for reminding me about the inf file. I forgot all about it. I will add it. You said that now you could work the all steps while Robert said step 3 still doesn't work. Are you both sure ? Robert, maybe you tried an old version

I think I may have dl'd before you updated. When I read of Ron's success, I dl'd again and found the file date was more recent. With that most recent file 9/15 5:15 p.m. there is no problem with the "continue". You got it cleared up.

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Dear Granot,

Thanks very much for the latest version of MultiShow Tool. Everything seems to work fine and it serves my purpose exactly. I really appreciate the time and trouble you have taken in writing this great programme especially when you were 'under the weather'. I hope that you have recovered now and are feeling much better.

With regard RonH (NE UK)

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