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File Dates & Block Editing Timeline

R. G. Noxon

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Dear Sirs,

I'm VERY pleased with your program "Pictures ToExe" BUT there is one small irritation; if one

opens a *.pte file (from Windows Explorer) then closes it, WITHOUT making ANY changes, it adopts a NEW date

and time! This then no longer corresponds with the date and time of the associated *.exe file.

This behaviour is quite unlike that of image files which, if not modified, retain their original date and


All versions of "Pictures ToExe" seem to behave like this, irrespective of the version of Windows operating


Can this quirk be fixed in the next version of "Pictures ToExe" please?

Yours faithfully, R. G. Noxon (Digital AV enthusiast, UK).

I wrote the above on your old forum, which has now been replaced, so I don’t know if it was ever answered.

New request: Can it be made possible to select a block of cues and move them along the time line, in order to insert a new cue? I believe this can already be done by importing a *.pte file into a spreadsheet, but I lack the expertise with spreadsheets and a simple block dragging, if possible, would be both quicker and easier.

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Hi, R. G.,

Welcome to the "Forum"! As you have probably already noticed, you will find here a very enthusiastic group of digital audio-visual afficionados, willing (and able) to answer all the questions you ever had about this exciting new dimension of creative expression!

Now, to your questions. I'll leave the first one to Igor to respond to, if he pleases.

Regarding the second proposal, I agree that this would be a good addition to PTE, and that in all liklihood the capability will be provided sometime in the future.

In the meantime, for a quick-fix, I believe that if you simply add a second instance of a slide from your "quiver" of potential images on the left, immediately after the first instance of this slide on the right, that everything else on the timeline will be automatically "pushed" ahead (or "back", in time).

This mght be one way to easily adjust everything, without manually going through the timeline and dragging everything along manually. Then, you could always make some minor "tweaking" at the point of entry of the new image, such as adjusting the length of time "on-screen" for this "new" image, thus smoothing everything over, and the viewers will never be the wiser.

Hope this helps - please do not hesitate to reply back if you have further questions. Good luck with your show! ;)

If this idea doesn't work satisfactorily, please feel free to email me a copy of your ".pte" file, (I don't need the images or music, just the .pte file), and I will adjust it according to your instructions with my "Adjustor" spreadsheet and send it back to you.



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"...if one opens a *.pte file (from Windows Explorer) then closes it, WITHOUT making ANY changes, it adopts a NEW date and time! This then no longer corresponds with the date and time of the associated *.exe file".

You're perfectly right, R.G., this is an odd and incorrect quirk of PTE. I think it should very easily be fixed by Igor. And quickly too, I hope!

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Hi Geoff

R.G. is a bit formal .........!

Welcome to the Forum. Look forward to seeing your new AV at Aldbourne in March.

Everyone is very helpful and so knowledgeable here.

Think the latest wersion of PTE is great.

See you at the Super Southern.

Best wishes

Maureen ;)

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I too want to urge Igor to change this intended or un-intended behavior of redating a .pte file that is simply opened and closed. This has been a quirk for some time, but it can be a serious pain in some cases. Like today for instance. I decided to try to revise a pte show by using the newest beta. I was astounded to realize that this show of maybe 100 or so slides, has 1600+ files scattered around my hard drive. That is my "fault" as I had tried many variations of photos and techniques. My today challenge was to determine which .pte file was the one I now need to re-work. Well, the task became increasingly aggravating as I would open a .pte file, determine it was not the one I needed, and then have it automatically save with today's date. It is really trouble to have several pte files with meaningful dates end up all with today's (almost meaningless date.) I am certain this is an easy change for Igor, if we can just get his attention at the right moment.

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