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Test grids


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For anyone who is interested, I have posted four transparent grid files here on my site:

www.alrobinson.com/grids.zip .

I developed them for some tests I am running on the linearity of the various effects one can achieve with multiple object "levels" in v.5. They may be of use, too, for lining up images, as Thedom is trying to do in order to achieve smooth transitions from one slide to another. :)

I have included a pair of grids for each of the two main aspect ratios that I use: 1024x768 and 1280x768, one in grey and one in colour to help distinguish between two images.

I would appreciate any feedback, particularly any suggestions for improvements which would help others in their similar testing.

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Sorry Al, but I don't succeed to open this link.

I just find why : here is the good link http://www.alrobinson.com/grids.zip

Thanks, JP! I can't even spell my own name right this morning!! :rolleyes:

By the way, I included circles for testing whether the images look proper under different aspect ratios.

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Thanks, JP! I can't even spell my own name right this morning!! :rolleyes:

By the way, I included circles for testing whether the images look proper under different aspect ratios.

That's a great work-around until Igor implements a grid pattern. It's one of the things I've always relied on in ProShow Gold to help me align some of the transition effects I like to use between slides such as an extreme zoom in on a critter's eye followed by a very similar and precisely matched eye on the following slide which then zooms out to reveal a different animal. Sort of a "seen through the eye" effect....

Also one of the very nice features in PSG is the ability to match following slides to the identical zoom and position without manually copying down the "numbers" and inserting them by hand. This helps when you use two identical slides and want to "continue" an effect across time. It's especially helpful when you don't have non-linear zoom so if you want to pan part of an image, stop then reverse the pan it avoids the abrupt ending by allowing a transfer fade where the present slide fades out while the next on simultaneously fades in. When the two slides are identical, the effect is simply a lingering "stop" for the duration of the two transitions and the viewer isn't aware that a slide has actually ended and another begun. This is perhaps less important for P2E because you can actually have more than one slide on the same timeline, but when you wish to transend the timing with "part" of a frame it's of significant value.

Best regards,


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Yeah, I agree that it's probably just as easy to include the slide you want to match with, over on the O/A timeline along with the second image, itself, and the same for any following images, instead of trying to match up with preceding or following images on the main timeline. In fact, having two timelines is a bit of a nuisance, especially since we don't have sound capability yet with the O/A timeline, and since we can't see objects on the main timeline.

If there were a music capability along with the O/A timeline, one could do an entire show on one image, using objects alone.

I'm not sure how Igor is going to sort all this out.

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Be sure that I will try them and will give you feedback. :)

I found your grids very helpful to precisely adjust an object.

Thanks again Al.

IMHO, your grid(s) should be included in PTE under the "tools" options in the O/A window (like the "show safe TV zone" option).

I'm sure Igor is ready to give you a lot of money to use them... :D

Actually, for instance you have to add it as a new object.

And the more I think about it, the more I find a drag and drop feature to add an object in a slide would be really nice (something like in Proshow Producer with the CTRL key or whatever).

May be one day ?

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Glad you found the grids useful. I found them very helpful in rationalizing the effects of "cover screen" vs "fit to screen" under different aspect ratios, even though they are pretty roughly drawn. I find it easier to carefully examine an effect with more precise images as with a "normal" photo, I keep forgetting what part of the image showed up in the previous test. :rolleyes:

If I have time, and don't forget, I'll put together a better grid, similar to the one I did for the older versions of PTE for lining up objects (you will probably find a reference to it if you do a search on past posts). :)

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But i'm wondering if I don't prefer the new ones you made... :rolleyes:

They were really made for two different purposes - one just to line-up objects, and the other to test the effect of different actions. I think they each have their place. :)

It would be nice if we could add them as plug-ins, and have them handy when wanted by clicking on a menu item. In fact it would be nice if we could save a limited number of object arrangements, and recall them by clicking on a "preset" menu. Maybe in version 6?? :P

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  • 1 month later...

I'm a day late and seveeral dollars short, but these look really handy. I was just playing with a few ideas and these would have come in handy. I'll have to try them soon.

Thanks for doing these. I like the ideas presented above for including them in PTE (and paying you many dollars) and hereby vote for same... at least the "including in PTE" part. ;)

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