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The Greening, Windmill Pond


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Some really great images,very impressed with the light on some of the undertree shots.

However I found the zooms a bit to fast and in some cases it may have been better with no zoom at all.

Enjoyed the music and it was all over almost too quickly for me (although I much prefer several shorts to one overlong).

Thanks for sharing and I look forward to more of your shows.

All the Best


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Hi, Neil,

Thank you for your kind remarks. Regarding the under-tree lighting, I rely upon the bit depth of RAW files to bring out shadowed areas during post processing.

Becky and I enjoy our daily morning walks in our woods, and the zooms simulate that.

We expect a nice crop of wildflowers following the rains, which might very well inspire another slideshow. :>))

I appreciate your comments.


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  • 3 weeks later...

David -

I especially like your opening shot and the zoom-out treatment. I think your view angle was a perfect play for the zoom. As Barry suggests an opening shot with some awe-power can get a presentation off to a good start. I think also your personal grounding in music led you to a fitting piece that works well with the opening view too.

As for the fast paced zoom - I understand. I often find that the pace I want for the sequence does not allow time to fully appreciate a particular scene. I think that treatment allows some possibilities. 1. It can be frustrating/annoying to a viewer. 2. It can leave them with just a touch of wanting more, rather than being bored by an image that stays on screen longer than it can hold a viewer's interest. 3. I make a point now of almost always publishing the presentation with the space bar as an easy pause for a viewer to enjoy, at will, any particularly interesting slide. And I notice you have allowed that here.

Good work.

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Hi, Bob,

Glad that you liked the opening Prokofiev tuba. Too me, it's a bit like Jackie Gleason dancing, just the thing for our thirty-three-foot lawn ornament. :>))

I take your points about the fast-paced slides.

I also appreciate the space-bar pause, which allowed me to savor the glowing hoodoo in your "Valentine" show.

Thanks for writing.


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