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Silverton Point-to-Point

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I posted my first AV on the 13 March 2008 entitled “The Journey” & some of you were kind enough to comment on it. Since then I have built a web site after going to my local college. (Please pay it a visit). This is my second AV that was made as part of a project for showing at my local photo group. The images were taken at a Point-to-Point not far from where I live in Devon (UK). I hope you like it and take the time to comment. As without feed back it’s difficult to tell if what you have produced is good or bad.

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II hope you like it and take the time to comment. As without feed back it’s difficult to tell if what you have produced is good or bad.

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Hello Peter -

I found your slideshow entertaining and informative. It had more of a documentary feel that something "poetic and moving", if that's the right way to say it. In otherwords, I wasn't moved, but I was informed. I did however really like your opening collage. I have a few suggestions that you may wish to consider. Some of the pictures are tilted and can be easily corrected. I thought a few of the shots were held too long; I was ready for the next picture. Also, there's room to improve on the motion shots. Unless you were delibertly trying to blurr the horses, freezing them in mid jump would have been nice. I realize though, you may been up againsts the limits of your camera for those light conditions. Continuing on that topic, all of the images seemed to need some sharpening. On my monitor, they looked a bit soft. Also, just as an idea, rather than catagorize the show into "Horses", "Characters", etc., I think it would have enlarged the experience to intermix them to continue reinforcing the total context of the show.

All in all though, I'm glad i watched it. Keep shooting and showing us your work.



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Peter, enjoyed your presentation. I think you are right on the mark you intended. I admit to having read the previous comments and to having visited your website before viewing your AV. So even though I was looking at certain aspects, I thought they all fit. Only the "digestion time" for the rider on ground may have been longer than necessary? I agree that the presentation was more informative than emotional, but that is a worthy direction, no problem. And I think your divisions of the show were an agreeable choice for this one. I think your aperture-based exposures worked well. I like your selective focus on many of your photos and I thought you effectively mixed your panned-with-the-horse shots and those where you let the horse blur vs the background. I also liked your choice of green "turf" for your intro and end. And yes, the intro was valuable to those of us that had no idea what a "point to point" might have been. I at first guess would have thought a local bus route or something. As said, previous to viewing the AV, I visited your website. I found the site very natural and the photos good/interesting enough to give me a favorable bias when I then ran the show. Thanks.

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