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Creating a pix2exe DVD

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With the old version of Pix2exe you would create an avi file, leave it open on the screen and then go into your DVD burning software and create the DVD. Is this still how you do it to have a DVD play on a DVD player? The reason I ask is because none of the DVD software that I have is working. The only one that remotely worked was one that would only play the audio and not show the pictures. I'm trying to create a DVD for someone for a funeral by tomorrow. Any advice you could give would be great.

Thank you!!

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Hi Jeff,

If you have the "Deluxe" version of PTE with Video Builder enabled, you can directly burn a DVD. If you did not purchase Video Builder you can create a Custom AVI and then use other software to burn it to a DVD. If you can say which version you have, then perhaps we can walk you through the process.

Best regards,


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Hi Jeff,

In that case just open PTE, load your show, click on "Create" at the bottom left of the screen then choose "DVD Video Disc" and check the Project Options to be sure you have the correct aspect ratio, etc., and load a DVD (preferable to have rewritable for first trial) and you should be home free. If you uncheck the "menu" in the first Video Builder screen (at the bottom) your DVD will just autorun the show. Otherwise, you have the option of customizing a menu but since you are rushed for time it will be easier to just skip the menu.

Good luck and best regards,


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