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Posts posted by cici

  1. Thank you for your advice , Freegle !

    I have not the pretention to do a so good slide show as my friend Cici ; he is now at the top of our art , with the slide show experience of a great part of his life .

    I just want to present a subject with a pleasant form ... Ones love , other no ... Tomorrow will be better !rolleyes.gif

    Hi Daniel;

    thank You very much for your welfare!

    You "jujst want to present a subject with a pleasant form" and perfectly succeeded in that way. You can be proud of this success


  2. Hello Sam, How can I thank you enough for also providing a Mac version of your fine presentation which ran perfectly on my Mac Pro and sounded beautifully through the stereo sound system! This massive structure is amazing accomplishment and is beautiful in form and design. Sam, I must mention the music. Many times for Christmas and Easter we sing in our church choir either all or parts of the Händels Messias. Particularly blessed was it to hear the part "..and the Glory of the LORD" . Sam, thank you so much and my wife and I send you and your family greetings from our little town of Quarryville here in southeastern Pennsylvania, USA. (It was interesting to see the animation at the escalator and the text in the sky at the end too!!)

    Hi Bill,

    Thank You very much for your enthousiastic appreciation and for your greetings.

    Greetings from Charleroi, Belgium

  3. Hi,

    Firstly I would like to say that I enjoyed this sequence immensely.

    I wish I could take such wonderful pictures. I do like architectural images both ancient and modern and for me you appear to have portrayed a mood of grandeur that I find exciting. I don't know if I'll ever have the opportunity of visiting Liege but if I do you have given me a very good excuse for going by rail!

    I'm truly sorry that personal differences have tainted this thread, particularly as I generally respect the opinions of all parties concerned. Perhaps language has played its part. Despite this and for what it's worth I will give below my opinion. I do this in part because I believe that as has been said above anybody posting a show generally does so in order to receive the views of others and also because it helps me to see how my views compare to those of others.

    Normally I would not take the trouble to download a show of more that about six minutes, unless the title particularly interests me. In this instance it did and to be perfectly honest the comments above also encouraged me to do so. I DID NOT find it too long nor if there were any repeated images did I notice them.

    It's difficult now to be certain that I have not been influenced by what has been said by others but I do wonder if the opening sequence of framed images was necessary. I liked it though for me, perhaps if it had been slowed down a little and if "smooth" had been applied to the motion, it would have worked even better.

    Regarding the music, I thought it worked very well indeed and certainly augmented the cathedral impression of the images which I would have thought was the objective. If I have any criticism of the music it would be with the Handle piece, only because of the use of words which to my puritanical upbringing sounded just a little bit out of place in a railway station. I have no problem with the use of religious music. However, as a native English speaker who can understand the words they add a third dimension which on this occasion are just a little bit distracting.

    I hope you do not mind but from time to time as part of my campaign to encourage members of my camera club to take up AV I show the occasional sequence. I will undoubtedly use your show at some stage as an excellent example of an architectural topic.

    Thank you for making this sequence available to the forum.



    Hi John

    I thank you very much for your appreciation.

    As far as framed images are concerned, in my opinion they are necessary because of “Drawing”. On My PC motion is quite smooth.

    About Handle piece of music, myself had a doubt because of words, just for the same reason as you. But finally I decided for this music because it was not rail I was describing, but the particular structure. Another reason is that the French version of the show is on my site , visited almost by French speaking people; I’m not sure that they will pay attention to words.

    For sure I do not mind having my sow as an example in your camera club, I’ll consider this as an honour.

    I thank you again


  4. cici,

    I would like to say that reading this thread gives rise to some doubts!

    You seem to consider yourself as an AV artist of first degree. So, I wonder why you present your art in this rather technical forum. What about sending your work to Hayange, Epinal, Trophée de Paris, Villingen-Schwenningen (Medienfestival), ... ? This may give you a hint where your position is among the very best!



    Hi Xaver,

    I do not understant your doubt.

    I'm not interested to any of these festivals.

  5. Cici

    As I have already said, there is no emotion in the written word and had I made my original observations to you in person, there is no way you would not have been upset, I am not that type of person. I apologise for my phrasing, but I would like you to understand there was no intention to be less than diplomatic.

    Bbdigital, it’s difficult to believe you and I’m sure that everyone who has any psychological hability, will agree with me. But I do not want to develop this argument I wrote about it on my first reply but I decided not to publish it. I can reed behind the words.. And I think you have a quite personal way of being “diplomatic”.

    “Your avatar shows you as a man of senior years, so I guess you know that it requires almost no effort to say "That's nice", more nerve to give contructive feedback. (no criticism of the other four contributor”

    Do you actually think is a diplomatic way this?

    Having said that, if someone does say something which you or any other forum member feels is out of place, isn't it better to ask for clarification before assuming the worst and then reacting accordingly.

    To public provocation , public reply! Always. (legal right)

    Another point missed, especially by Eric is the fact that I don't actually dislike your sequence I think it is fine. Had I visited that place I would have done much the same as you. I like the building, the sweeping lines and the general photography, but my approach would have been different from there as I have already (not very well it seems) said.

    This is evidence! Not only you but each member of this forum would have had a different approach! As you can see from my avatar I’m a man of senior years, enough to have learned this.

    Anyway it's difficult to realize from your post that you think my sequence to be fine.


    I still think that there needs to be clarification regarding shows posted here, but there seems to be a roaring silence on that matter.

    It’s not the actual problem.

    I know very well what's the general opinion about duration but as you I considere length of a show is determined by content.

    I hope I don't upset you again, but I am not sure I could go along with what you say above. What makes a batch of images interesting is often determined by what the author decides not to show. In other words what they edit out.

    Pffffffff! Please teach me how. So, next time I’ll just put the title and nothing else. And you’ll make me very happy: I am so lazy!

    What I have in mind here is the family friend who visits you following their holiday and insists on showing you every image they shot on their holiday, all 500 of them. Some of us would rather slit our wrists than sit through torture like that. Of course we are far too polite at the time to tell our friend what we really feel, so we give them a huge ovation at the end. Whether that is for the content or the relief it is all over is another question. However, the same batch of images edited down to 50 or 60 are far more watchable. I think one of the most important skills in AV is editing.

    What are you talking about! Here anybody is free wathing or not, it’s not a question to be polite!

    “I had to present for days, a 1 hour show but people had to whatch at it standing!

    About 200-300 people each day, and you could hear a fly flying. Never anybody went out before the end. And it was always a big ovation.(But never I could know if iit was an actual standing ovation or just an ovation, lol)”

    Do you think they watched until the end because they were simply polite?

    Was this a bad show because it was much more than 6 minutes long?

    I precise you that I was sponsored By the town of Miland (the scond town of Italy),

    The italian WWF, The Regional Ministery Of Agricolture, and by National Park of Stelvio. The Show was in the most prestigious place of Miland,( just besides the “Duomo”) normally dedicated to exhibitions to be visited standing . For security reasons firemen , last day befor show, did not give permission for chairs..

    That has nothing to do with the 500 familiar holidays pictures!

    It’s far away most important.

    Reducing time for a show is just reducing creativity. Is a very wrong wqy of doing a show.

    An opinion is just one persons view, who is to say that view is right? Well, surely that is you the author, you listen to what is said, but at the end of the day you can choose to ignore that contribution or not.

    Here is a question for anyone to just consider. You have an unlimited number of suburb photographs to view, which are not your own and you have never seen before (choose any subject that interests you). How many of these photographs can you look at before you start to get bored. When you find a great website and gallery on line how many images do you look at in one sitting, I bet it isn't 60.

    Bbdigital, one thing is watching 60 pictures in an album , a quite different thing is is watching them in a show!

    We all know; PTE is a better way to look at pictures. What kind of argument are you telling about!

    Your avatar shows that you are not a man of senior years like me, anyway it shows you are adult enough to do good reasoning. This one it is not.


  6. For what it is worth, I download a PTE show to be either entertained or educated, I have to say that this did neither for me so as is my right I hit the escape key half way which up untill now I have never done when watching a Barry Beckham show,

    As you say, it’s your right.

    “[size="2"]I had to present for days, a 1 hour show but people had to whatch at it standing!

    About 200-300 people each day, and you could hear a fly flying. Never anybody went out before the end. And it was always a big ovation.(But never I could know if iit was an actual standing ovation or just an ovation, lol)”

    I precise you that I was sponsored By the town of Miland (the scond town of Italy),

    The italian WWF, The Regional Ministery Of Agricolture, and by National Park of Stelvio. The Show was in the most prestigious place of Miland,( just besides the “Duomo”) normally dedicated to exhibitions to be visited standing . For security reasons firemen , last day before show, did not give permission for chairs

    What do you say about this?

    And after reading this didn’t you have the doubt that maybe you missed something good?

    neither have I ever downloaded a show simply because someone else did not like it

    What do you mean? You are offensive against people who downloaded my show.

    They did not download because somebody else did not like it, but as they explained, because of the enormous difference of view between who did not like and who did.

    It’s quite different! Please, do not loose your mind; please. I begin to be tired of this!


  7. I'm not sure what the argument is about here but I thought this was fantastic. As a photographer of many years, the photos fitted the theme of leading lines and to me, were very well done. Was it really nine minutes? I had to watch it twice and time it the second time around. Even watching it for the second time and timing it, the time went very quickly and I was surprised it was nine minutes. A very enjoyable nine minutes too. The music to me was fine since the images reminded me of the architecture of church interiors. Fantastic images. Fantastic timing. Fantastic show. In the words of John Barrowman - Fantastic, Fantastic, Fantastic!

    Put simply, I would love to do a show like this. Give me a few weeks.

    Edit. Just watched for a third time and counted just 65 images. None of them repetitive as mentioned in the argument.

    Hi Freegle,

    wel, thanks a lot for your so "fantastic" enthousiasm about my show.

    I'm wayting for your next show and I'll be glad to watch at it.

    Please, mail me when ready

    Thank you again

  8. Hi John

    Hi morturn

    Hi bbdigital,

    the actual problem coming out from this discussion is not to know if somebody welcoms or not

    positive/negative comments, but just a way making them.


    However for someone who thinks architecture is nothing special this AV may be a little long."

    John, this is your way, and I was very impressed by your gentleness.

    Now, please, compare your style, and almost your spirit to bbdigital ones

    Your way is reflecting your respect , in this case, for me.

    But do you find the same spirit in bbdigital's comments?

    I personnaly have no preblem with negative comments if they are done respecting my pmerson. For sure I'll reply but correctly.

    So, the actual problem is just a question of respect.


  9. HI cici thank you for your reply, I think you really need to read all of my post to understand the point I make, which is:

    If people post their work on this forum, do they want comment, constructive or critique or other wise, or are they purely seeking adulation?

    It would be nice to know this, so that I dont have to bother posting if this is not what is required.

    Hi morturn,

    what does this mean?

    "However if a show is posted here on WinSoft, then the author is testing the water, they are inviting comment;"

    Are you sure of this?


  10. Hi Sam

    My comment about the length of your show, was aimed at posting it on this forum. Many of the members of the forum are camera club members and usually six minutes is normal for submitting a show and tolerance level.

    For myself, the length of a show is determeined by the content & audience. I have a public show a week Monday which is 65 minutes long but split into two halves.

    Are you going to tell us how you did the escalator effect?

    Please don't get the wrong impression about this forum, there are more sympathisers than knockers.

    BTW I think the word critique has a different inferance in English, it has been mentioned before on here by French members.

    Regards Eric


    Hi Eric,

    I know very well what's the general opinion about duration but as you I considere length of a show is determined by content.

    Many years ago I had to present for days, a 1 hour show but people had to whatch at it standing!

    About 200-300 people each day, and you could hear a fly flying. Never anybody went out before the end. And it was always a big ovation.(But never I could know if iit was an actual standing ovation or just an ovation, lol)

    So, a good show is not a show less than 6 minutes but it's a problem af content and almost quality.

    As far escalator effects are concerned , I just draw two small lines and saved them as transparent gifs which I entered as "objects" choosing for each one 5 Key points in the " O/A " window. But I had to correct their direction helping me with 3D parameters.

    I thank you for yor interest and wish you good Luck for your next presentation;


  11. Hello Sam, Would you be able to post a Mac version? I would love to see your presentation. Thanks Bill

    Hi Bill,

    here is the link, hope it works


    I did not save the Ebglish project.

    Anyways, here are the translation of the french animated titles appearing in this order , on the first page

    10 years railworks

    Rail traffic never interrupted



    10.000 Tons Steel

    33.000 m2 glasses

    30.000m3 concrete


    Drawing the light

    Thank You for your interest

  12. Well I for one have made the assumption that if a show is only posted on Beechbrook, it is there to share, feedback not required.

    I'm not sure of this. People is posting on Beehbrook site when they have no site

    However if a show is posted here on WinSoft, then the author is testing the water, they are inviting comment;

    Perhaps, but you do not know. So why du you are so affirmative when you do not know?

    ... and offer constructive critique,

    [i]I do not lke these words : behind them the ones are hiding their severity, the others theyr disappointment. I prefere "constructive comments" when done with constructive spirit.

  13. Hi Eric,

    thank you very much for your aappreciation and almost for coming in my help: it helps not to feel alone against ennemy in situations like this one. And "ennemy" is the right word here.

    As about borders, it's depending on a different screen resolution.

    As about duration; for me it's good. I show is not long because its duration is more than 6 minutes. It's long when borrowing.


  14. My dear bbdigital

    First of all Ive to say that Im very, very proud of the few who made positive comments!

    Its the second time Ive the pleasure to write to you: years ago when I explained to you how to have a valid link on a synchronized show and now to answer your assassination.

    I went to this forum just to share and to keep myself up to date with PTE. No will of teaching, no will of criticizing.

    I never spoke about me, neither on this forum, neither on my site, but this does not mean Ive nothing to say.

    Ive learned from your site your background in photography.

    As for you, my full time employment had no connection with photography, but Ive a more important photographic and AV back ground and especially a more prestigious one than yours: this just to demonstrate to you the efficiency of my method doing pictures or slideshows, and that in these matters I perfectly know what I do.

    That is, from my experience I can tell you that your criticism is completely wrong because it comes from somebody who does not know what a good show is, and Ill demonstrate this.

    I am also surprised that there have only been 4 people who have made a comment for you and I think you can draw some conclusions from this. Far more would have downloaded and watched your show, so why so few comments.

    Very subltil in trying to kill somebody!

    Generally I do not care about this just because my conclusion is quite different from yours and here is why:

    A few time ago on a french forum dedicated to slideshows, somebody had to ask advice for doing a very long show putting together three ones about one identical region.

    As they told, nobody knew exactly because nobody had any experience about. So everybody answered what he thought to be good, and not what he knew to be good as he did not.

    I always salute the intelligence recognizing its limits and hate ignorance pretending to know.

    The fact is that long or short shows have the identical problematic with the difference: a short show not respecting this problematic, can be watched till the ane just because of its shortness. So, ignoring this problematic about long show, is ignoring about short shows too!

    The situation is the same in this forum because here too, you are afraid of long duration and you are right to be afraid of: if I do an extrapolation of the structure of your shows to a long one, I assure you that after 10 minutes the audience is leaving the hall.

    On beginning of march Ill give a lecture to my photo club on how to structure a show (a good one): bbdigital, you are friendly invited to assist and as I know your quality, after this for sure your shows will get a big improvement, but may be youll loose popularity. In that case I advice you to stay home: popularity pays much better than quality and you like to be paid for.

    Let us go to some details.

    If I take off a single picture from my show, it has no more sense. There are no repetitive pictures, all the pictures have a reason to be there.

    Quality of pictures is perfect; I know, I assure you, when a picture has good quality and when not, and Im not used to put bad quality pictures on my shows.

    About music is up to you: you can choose music to fit, or music to express. In this case I preferred the last choice.

    My agony…. I hope my contructive comments are taken in the spirit they are given

    Yes, they are taken in the spirit they are given and that why I answered like I did; otherwise Id have answered differently. And your agony is very clear to me as you downloaded 176 MB from my site

    If you want to know who is telling all this, I can send youby mail a short summary about my photographic background.

    And now I hope youll change the way of your criticisms to anybody else

  15. Hi Lin,

    Thank You very much for your so enthousiastic appreciation!

    The perspective correction was excellent on these photos. Did you perhaps use a tilt/shift lens, or maybe stitched multiple images?

    No pespective correction at all, in this case: just walking far away enough...as it was possible.

    And I was very lucky : people stopped behind me as soon as I was taking pictures: I think they were impressed by my long hairs , lol

    Whenever I need to correct perspective I do it in PhotoFiltre Studio

    ... and thoughtful presentation (the small touches such as on the escalator didn't go unnoticed).

    I'm very happy You noticed that!

    Thank You for Your nice effcts you prepare for us



  16. Hi jifa,

    thank you very much for your kind appreciation.

    However for someone who thinks architecture is nothing ...

    he has just to stop watching, lol! I never mind about duration. I always take the time I need for developing my subject. I'm used to shows of more than one hour (public shows) and never had problems

    You must have spent many hours photographing the wonderful subject,

    It took me 2 full after-noons and a very long evening

  17. Sam,

    Bear in mind, that for this particular Show, had the JPegs Images been 'tagged' by the Program to

    open in Web Format, then thats exactly what the Photo Editor will do. There are ways to circumvent this,

    but I must say, I have been caught out many times with such settings...just keep it in mind !


    Ok Brian, I'll keep it in mind and... check.

    Thank you


  18. Hi Sam,

    It looks to me that the problem is with the 'Graphics Editor' and its set-up.

    I have a suspicion that this has been set to 'Web Default Format'

    and every time you RH.Click an Image it opens the Editor in that format.

    If you write down the 'origional image sizes' and get 20% of each dimension, you are very near to

    the standard Web Size formats shown below

    Hi Brian,

    thank you for replying.

    Maybe you are right, but I think that if it was true, she 'd get the picturtes any time at 20% of the original dimensions. But this strange behaviour happens only with one special Pte Project. I solved the problem the same way suggested by Al (Alrobin)., and my post was to try to understand what looks like to be a single case.

    After her holidays, we'll check your suggestion and I'll let you know.

    Thanks again


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