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Posts posted by cici

  1. Hi everybody ,

    Saving space , of course without any lost of quality, is important.

    As the new player enables Ogg files, we can economize on a few space more.

    But good quality ogg files are encoded at the bit rate of 110-115 Kb/sec which is not too far from 128 Kb/sec, the bit rate of a good quality MP3 file.

    The THOMSON mp3PRO Audio Player has a special encoder for encoding wav files to MP3 at the bit rate of 64 Kb/sec having the same audio quality as a MP3 at the bit rate of 128 Kb/sec. You can download free at http://www.mp3prozone.com

    I’ve carefully tested and never noticed any difference in audio quality when comparing with wav files encoded to MP3 at 128 Kb/sec.

    I’ve made a test encoding a wav file to Ogg file and to MP3 at 64 Kb/sec: no difference of quality, but a big difference in economizing space, as you can see:

    Wav file of 87, 8 Mb

    Ogg file of 7,43 Mb

    Mp3 at 64 Kb: 3,98 Mb !

    Of course THOMSON mp3PRO Audio Player is useful when ripping audio CD (I use for this Exact Audio Copy , a software already recommended in this forum). It is not recommended to transform MP3 to wav and then to MP3 at 64 Kb/sec. but I did: if there is any lost of quality, it is very difficult to notice it!

    Exact Audio Copy can be downloaded free at http://www.exactaudiocopy.de/

    New tests and opinions about are welcome

  2. Hi Guido,

    Of course I too agree with you: With V.4.10 we have now very important new features and working in PicturesToExe is now very easy and we can do a lot of things forbidden in previous versions.

    For sure we can stop asking Igor for now features for a while: just to give him time to breathe.

  3. Igor,

    I don’t know if my test is useful, anyway here it is:

    I made a test in beta 8 version with a MP3 prepared in Acoustica.

    Sounds in this file begins after a silence of 0,5 sec.

    In PTE, music begins exactly at 0,5 sec.

    If I put a “cut” transition at 0,5 sec , picture is shown with a small delay (IPEG 640x480; 55Kb).

    No problem if I put the “ cut “ at beat situated at 2”,700 sec: picture is open immediately.

  4. Al,

    I agree with you and my last topic wasn’t aiming to claim what I was expecting, but to support Igor’s decision. For sure my expression didn’t follow my wish and I’m sorry for this.

    As you, I’m only interested in “ new version” to “create new shows better…”

    This difference in timing isn’t a problem at all for me. But what is not a problem for me, can be a problem for somebody else and he has the right to ask for a solution. Actually I think that a bigger difference could have been considered as a problem by professionals working with a template, and it is in that view I decided to make some tests too, as Igor had shown his will to solve this “problem”.

    If there is something to put in evidence, I think, it is not the reasonableness or not of a request, but Igor’s receptiveness: he had the right to give the same answer as yours, but he didn’t. Even more, he tried, hardly tried to give a solution to a very small problem, and this is a sign of a big kindness, intelligence, wisdom.


  5. Hi Igor, Hi Harold,

    I’m not an expert at all but

    I don’t understand why, as we found (both Harold and I) the delay is a constant delay of about 0,25 sec (0,25 sec for me and 0,27 for Harold)), the correction is of only 100 ms! In my modest opinion the right solution is a correction of 250 – 260 ms.

    Of course a correction of 100ms is much better than nothing ; a correction of 120 ms will be still better… for some slides, but there could be a bigger problem for others slides.

    Anyway , we are sure that a correction of 100 – 120 ms will not solve the problem and if this correction is dangerous “because this more frequent query of current position takes much higher CPU load”, the decision to get beta 8 unchanged is the wisest one.

    I’ve no problem with (better: I can’t notice the difference in) others shows than COLOURS,

    but this show has a succession of quick “cut” transitions falling at definite moments of music.

    If I had to make a new exe, just 2 solutions: save version 4.01 or move transitions 0,25 sec to the left. There is a (small) problem, but you can notice it just in a very particular case. We can say there is no problem.

  6. I made a test with my “COLOURS” project as I used in this show many cuts.

    I tested it with beta 6 and beta7.

    In Preview mode I noticed some delay during many “cuts” transitions.

    When viewing in time line (Little window) I noticed that the whole music track (MP3 /128 Kb sec) was playing just about 2.5/10th seconds ahead!

    Of course, in “preview “it is difficult to notice the small delay during the long “fade in/out” transitions, but it exists. And just because of the regularity of the delay, some “cut” transitions appear to be synched at the right time but they are not.

    I made a test with the “beta 7 version with old way of running Preview: the result is much better but not perfect (referred to the original project).

    Igor, I completely agree with Harold's explanation about the very, very small delay I ''can'' notice about just one ''cut'' transition and I think that following his last suggestion will put everything at the right place.

    Anyway, the difference is so small that we can consider beta8 version as OK and I think this difference is noticed just in Harold's show and mine which look like to have a very special timing.

  7. I don't know what you changed to get it this good. But if you shifted it 70ms, I'd suggest trying an extra 7ms shift. Similarly if you shifted it 200ms, I might try an extra 15 or 20ms.


    When testing my "COLOURS" project in beta8 V, I noticed a very small delay for just a single "cut" transition. I suppose that Harold's suggestion will be the right one.

    Thank you very much

  8. Hi Igor,

    Hi Herald

    I made a test with my “COLOURS” project as I used in this show many cuts.

    I tested it with beta 6 and beta7.

    In Preview mode I noticed some delay during many “cuts” transitions.

    When viewing in time line (Little window) I noticed that the whole music track (MP3 /128 Kb sec) was playing just about 2.5/10th seconds ahead!

    Of course, in “preview “it is difficult to notice the small delay during the long “fade in/out” transitions, but it exists. And just because of the regularity of the delay, some “cut” transitions appear to be synched at the right time but they are not.

    I made a test with the “beta 7 version with old way of running Preview: the result is much better but not perfect (referred to the original project).

    Hope it helps.


    I take the opportunity, as I couldn’t do before, to thank you very much for your last improvements to PicturesToExe.

    Now it will be much easier to synchronize a show like COLOURS, and you can hear the difference between old and new player. I’m sure that with all the improvement you intend to bring to it, your program will be a very, very important working tool. A toast to PicturesToExe

  9. Hi to everybody,

    As for Alrobin, the most important feature I should like to have in PTE is to settle transitions from timeline. But what Dana says about “the ability to output to AVI from PTE” because this is “the way the industry is headed” it’s very important.

    Anyway I think it’s not a priority matter: now or later thumbnails problem has to be faced: they have been requested and Igor has promised them. So, as Igor has this work on hand , just help him to do the right choice. I think it isn’t good to abandon this work for another feature because of a priority and come back later to it . But of course it belongs to Igor to decide about.

    And about thumbnails, here is my wish:

    I think the first choice of slides has to be made with whatever each one of us wants and put them in the same folder. Everybody is free to work as he likes but I think putting whatever interests a show (music, slides, comments, etc… ) in one folder is to be suggested because of

    …back up project copy. (For my first show, as I knew very, very few about PTE, my music is coming from CD; pictures, from CD and different folders; now I need my project copy as I erased the original from my HD, but it’s useless)

    From this folder, slides, I beg your pardon, thumbnails , will be transferred to slide list.

    By dragging them, thumbnails will be transferred to main window where it will be possible to change their order just by dragging . The wish of possibility of thumbnails in the main window and dragging them to change the order has already been requested as “STORYBOARD” if I remember well.

  10. Did you just choose to make them compact or was it required for show timing to work on any machine?

    Hi Bill, Hi Jerry

    I just choosed to make them compact to have no disproportinnately high single pictures.

    I think, by my experience (not a long one, anyway) that my tight timings (synched in timeline) could have run well on every machine.

    I choose no big size for my animation pictures though I think there is no problem even with bigger pictures (800x600) at the rate of 5 images per sec.

  11. Hi to italian friends

    What a beautiful surprise! Nice to meet you.

    Italian formum is a wonderful idea and hope it can be can be created; of course I'll be glad to take part in it.

    Che bella sorpresa! E' stato un grande piacere incontravi. Un forum in italiano è un'idea stupenda. Spero che possa presto essere realizzata, e saro' lietissimo di parteciparvi.

  12. Hi Granot, Hi everybody

    I’m very happy about MultiCD because now I can just send CD with PTE shows to friends without being obliged to advice to copy them to their HD, because…because…. For my laziness, it’s a big day. And no fear my friends feel lost : whatever they do, the right message will bring them on the right way. So, send now your CD without being bothered: your friend (or your customer) will watch the show(s) just as you did it (them)

    Granot has given the list of all the tools this program has to help us presenting our creations in the best way. LOGO, DOC, HTML etc…etc…

    I’ll add you can ask a PTE show to open your logo, or the program. I tested it with a 3 pictures PTE show. Of course I put a botton (object) on the 3rd picture: clicking on it the logo opens, and from there program goes on.

    This utility is a very, very helpful one and I’m sure everybody, and almost professionals working with PTE, will appreciate it.

    Thank you very much, Granot, for it.

  13. That's what I want to do, combining utilities.

    Hi Granot, Hi to all.

    AutoCD – CDStartup – PresentationList –SearchCD – TempCD

    Which one of these utilities to burn CD with our PTE presentations? That’s the question.

    First of all, the best way to read a PTE show from a CD, is to copy it on the HD.

    After testing on different machines synchronized in timeline/or not presentations, that is my conclusion: I had more or less important problems reading presentation from CD, even the synched in time line ones. No problem at all when reading synched shows from HD of different machines. As far as reading not synched shows from HD is concerned, all of us know the rule is: the faster a computer is, the better is.

    I therefore think the best utility for burning a CD with a PTE presentation is TempCD, as it automatically installs/uninstalls the show to the HD.

    Maybe we have many PTE shows (exe) and other files to burn a CD with. In this case I think we need SearchCD. So, a first step is trying to combine TempCD and SearchCD. No more need , I believe, to put RUN/INSTALL buttons on SearchCD: just PLAY.

    In SearchCD I particularly like the “About Presentation” page which I wish to be maintained.

    Professionals working with PTE certainly enjoy PresentationList: they can add a logo,

    their web and e-mail addresses; or maybe they like the simplicity of CDStartup.

    I don’t know if it is possible, but a program combining TempCD, SearchCD, PresentationList,

    having the simplicity of Cdstartup and the “browse CD” possibility of AutoCD (but is it necessary?) would be a very great program. What do you think about?

    Any suggestions from smb else?

    Anyway, thank you very, very much for all your are doing for us.

  14. If you want to see a very little sketch of an animation made by me with one image (but I think I'll still add one or two pictures), I'll send you. It's only 318 KB, for now!

    Hi Guido,

    Of course I want!

  15. By the way, I made these two to practice animation. notice the explosion, it has about 50-60 slides

    Hi Granot

    I know what doing animations does mean: I needed 176 pictures for animations of my last show!

    Sorry for having unveiled the end of Mars.

    50-60 slides for your animations was not a surpise to me:i noticed the animation was very cool and you could not do this but with many pictures.

  16. Hi to all

    Did you see Boxig's Mistery?

    Now we can fell secure! No danger any wandering asteroid hits the Earth: Granot is watching the sky from his window and as soon as he discovers one, he will prepare an utility to make it go away.

    Thank You

    BTW nice presentation!

  17. Welcome Linda,

    A few times ago I couldn’t open a back-up CD, but I had no error message as yours.

    I was obliged to purchase a special software to open my CD back.

    You can find this program (CD-R Diagnostic) at this address

    http://www.cdrom-prod.com/ .

    Before purchasing it, I suggest to download the free evaluation version: so you can be sure that it works. Of course, in the case it opens your CD, you must buy the program if you want to copy your files.

    Just try, and let us know.

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