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Everything posted by AleAle5025

  1. Thanks. For your approval and support.
  2. Hi. The style is a Mirror image. Download: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/3KgPGvp0L-lI0Q A lesson on the Mirror Image style
  3. Hi South Coast. Adaptation of the Adobe After Effects Download: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/GmklwZtgiHx4ZQ
  4. Installing a photo in a Book
  5. Hi. In PTE 11.Displacement map. Did the text.
  6. Hi. The transition was made specifically for a certain job. It turned out to be a style. Thanks.
  7. The text turns out to be glass. But not everything is as good as I want.
  8. Hi. There is a link to the lesson. How to create a style.
  9. Hello. Thank you for your feedback, I hope someday the transition will help you in your work.
  10. We apply any transition to the first photo. We apply the 3D Rotation to the rest of the photos. https://disk.yandex.ru/d/ojBAxIc7HMb4Cg
  11. Hello. Thanks. For the opportunity to watch the program. All status functions work perfectly. I applied the effects in a text editor, changed the settings, everything works. Congratulations, it turned out to be a great program. Success. A wish. I would like to see a copy of the modifier points in the program.
  12. Thank, morasoft. I wish you success in your work.
  13. Hello. This project was done in August. Just posted it now. Lay out your style. I don't think the slides will be the same. I don't copy Adobe Effects style. I add something of my own.
  14. Hi Vyacheslav. Thanks. Success in creativity.
  15. Hi Adaptation of After Effects style in PTE AV Studio. Dark blue watercolor. https://disk.yandex.ru/d/Aa_9IHRDp4k9Bw
  16. I had a problem. I separated the book from the project and created the style of the book. In a new style. Files cannot be replaced. The program was deleting files. I had to replace the files in the text document.
  17. Hello. You drop the video file into the project folder. Then go to the project. There is no video file in the project. I understood the problem correctly.
  18. Pattern. An Old Photo Album. Hello. Simplified installation of photos in the Old photo album template. Replaced the archive. Download the updated version of the book template. Success. Download: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/gZQYat5_J0wplQ
  19. If the photo frame is created by another program, it will be visible.
  20. The blur should be placed on the container or on the photo. I'm blurring the container. In the container with the photo, the blur goes away. So it was in the early versions.
  21. Everything works in Windows 10. Modifiers, slide creation, video creation, masks, saving, blurring.
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