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Everything posted by Alex55

  1. Berny, chanfi22, Thank for the comments. Alex
  2. Hi everybody, Here's a new project. I think it's good for the family oriented projects. Anyway, Here's the link:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vFoB7aTAMV_dXITAM-UC9IYDwv8xrFp4/view?usp=drive_link
  3. Yes, the ability to replace object through the whole project would be very handy. For example when you trying to create ZIP backup and have somewhere in the Project same image in 2 different locations. Great deal of saving time. Alex55
  4. Hi everybody, Here's couple of new Styles. Replace the placeholders in the marked .EDIT compositions with yours pictures. Or edit whatever you like. Here's the Link to the Project. Best Alex55 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1i-VWlzBWGbnMI-YQj0kZu9qSS9OR_Svz/view?usp=drive_link
  5. Hi Igor, Do you have any plans to add support for more Video tracks? Would you share your plans, please. Thanks Alex55
  6. Kieron, Thanks, I really appreciate your kind words. Alex
  7. Hi everybody, One more try to insert vertical portraits into horizontal screen. https://youtu.be/D0aV-j77BCE The Link is here:https://drive.google.com/file/d/13OEVqoUM84kv7tag4MwUyOONalCJAhdL/view?usp=share_link PS. Sorry, for some reason link to utube doesn't work, you have to click.
  8. Igor, You right. I don't care for my own purposes but considering posting it on line is a different story. Pretty soon I'm gonna run out of my Google Drive space. Thanks for the advice.
  9. Hi Igor, Yes, that's a pity. Would you give us an idea what we could expect in near future? Thank you in advance. Alex
  10. Thinking about adding some extra features for this great app would it be possible to have the ability to drop Shadow for Mask Container? Sounds logical because Masks are ones of the strongest features of this app to my mind. Thanks Alex55
  11. Hi everybody, This is re-post the Slideshow I've removed due to some technical problems couple of weeks ago. I'm not sure this is the right way to do, so please let me know if anything wrong. The Slideshow itself just is another attempt to create Vintage Style. Here's the link to Project:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1COLtp2MKaV8wqwEyFM7JoYAN2so9CYIP/view?usp=sharing
  12. Agree, totally new universe. As soon as my grandkids got some gadgets they not present anymore. Alex
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