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Posts posted by Cèlou

  1. I give in this tuto the principle and the bases which I personally tested in the screen résolution, 1024x768 and 1280x1024 and everything works normally.

    Now each is free to adapt him(it) according to the personal configuration.

    But I repeat, the principle will remain the same.

    I do not see or is the risk and if however there is one of them, thank you to explain it to me.

  2. In love with PTE, I have to make several tutoriaux in French concerning this program.

    1- To include/understand the functions dd Step by step the editor of object

    2- Run of text

    3- Step by step for the realization of a zoom

    4- To make a success of panoramic

    5 -To make turn an object

    Some of these tutoriaux are accompanied by an explanatory assembly.

    If people wish to receive these tutos, they have only to make of it the request by mall and it is readily that I will send to them.

  3. Hi Al,

    if I say it it is that I have a difference of visionnage with my demo the cube.

    I explain, on my PC, when I click the EXE of my demo, the second cube is immovable while when I privisualise the same demo since the program, everything takes place normally.

    And to you how it works?

    Thank you


  4. Super good makes your course Ron, simple, clearly and precise.

    With your permission, then I to be useful itself of your relevant remarks and by bringing me closer closest to this tutorial, to write a tutorial similar to your in French language which I will propose on the forums of my country.

    I thank you by advance.



  5. Hello Dom,

    concerning this assembly of which I found the images superb, I find it a little length.

    I absolutely did not take down because it is worth the blow that one views it until the end.

    If the executives do not obstruct me at all, the différents format which exist that and there, they obstruct me.

    Thus in what concerns to me it would be preferable to adopt larger homogénéity of the formats, to remove some images and I think that one slide show will be stronger to you.

    Cèlou friendships

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