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  1. FYI: I used all defaults except that I used NTFS and 16:9. My images are max 1920 wide or 1080 high @ 96ppi. Works perfectly! Thanks for a great image presentation application. Looking forward to doing so many more with so much more non-static imagery. Fun stuff! Joe
  2. Burning a DVD for our video player at the moment. Would someone enlighten me about the video and audio "bit rate" settings in the Options window, please?
  3. AH! You guys are the BEST! Thank you both for your prompt replies and additional insight and the great tutorial. Now I understand what some of those additional buttons really do. THANKS!!! I did discover some of my oversights in the late hours last evening and things are working better now. However, yachtsman, your insight on the "Insert Transition Point" button was most helpful. And, YES, I agree, if it was closer to the other control buttons in the centre it would be more obvious that it was for controlling the transitions of the slides. Again, Thank You both for your support and great works. Joe B
  4. I am having trouble establishing a set viewing time and transition rates on a series of images within a show. I know I must be missing something but everything I do doesn't seem to stick. I have several pieces of music for the show, most with different rhythms or varying w/in the individual piece. I want to adjust the images and their transitions to the music. Using P2E 8 Deluxe and no updates available. Running on Win7 machine. Working from the Timeline tab, I select a series of images by selecting one, holding down the Shift key and selecting the last one in the string of images I want to adjust. I right click or Ctrl+U to bring up the Customize Selected Slides window. On the Main tab I have selected "Slide duration" at 4 or 5 seconds for example. I've selected "Show next slide after the indicated time interval" and "By default (Show.....). On the Transition tab, under "Transition from Project options" I discovered that "Default transition" would not allow me to make a change from the default set in the Project. So, I select "Default transition with own duration". However, that didn't seem to stick either. I then select "Dissolve" under the "Basic transition" and set the "Transition effect duration" to whatever time I can accept for the grouping. That doesn't stick either after clicking OK. The idea is that this should get me close enough that I can then adjust each one manually as I proceed, if needed. But, it doesn't seem to apply the settings to the group of images. What am I missing? Thanks for your time and attention. Joe
  5. P2E keeps telling me that my login on YouTube is not recognized. I've gone back and logged into YT w/ the same info but P2E still doesn't recognize it. Do wish you'd post your solution.
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