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Posts posted by xahu34

  1. Hallo Alfons,

    In der Anlage findest du ein kleines Projekt, in dem ich versucht habe, den Effekt aus Deinem Video nachzubilden. Ich verwende dazu keine Masken (wie von Lin vorgeschlagen), sondern asymmetrische Zooms (starkes horizontales Zoomen, kein oder geringes Zoomen in vertikaler Richtung). Bitte das Zip-Archiv in einen Ordner auspacken und die PTE-Datei mit PicturesToExe öffnen.




  2. We already have this option :rolleyes:

    Just use a circular Mask with a hard edge.

    You can then insert any image, change colour (with a rectangle), zoom, change opacity etc.

    Also easy to change to an elispe by dragging the edges of the Mask Circle

    All very easy.


    Yes, it's an easy and obvious construction, but it isn't really the same (beside performance aspects). The circle based on a mask cannot be placed into a mask container, and that's the place where I like circles to be :angry:



  3. ...

    Unfortunately out of 110 views and 41 downloads of the show I have only received 2 comments which tells me that new folks either get the brush off or the show was not good enough to comment on so I shall keep trying to improve.


    Regarding this forum, your expectations should be not too high. Of course, you can ask particular technical questions, and there are some users who will give you very useful hints (but not all users who rush in with their comments may turn out to be really helpful. You must decide for yourself which ones are good and which ones are not :rolleyes: )

    If you look at the comments on slideshows you will often read something like "Love it", "Nice pictures", etc. Comments of that kind may be well-intentioned, but they are useless, as well. You do not learn anything from that kind of remarks. On the other hand, if you try to be clinical and express what see (provided that you are in the position to see something) people will start to mock on you. So isn't it the best thing to say something nice or nothing at all? :wacko:



  4. This is a funny thread, isn't it? Someone has started it in order to show us how to insert images on top of a running video, but everybody is talking about links to YouTube (where we can find a video that does not show the effect) :)/>/>

    By the way, the method described here obviously works, but in my opinion it isn't a clever one. Having the video and all still images in one slide, while working with key frames and opacity, will cause a lot of trouble in case you want to make changes to time points when particular images show up or vanish. It might be better to have the video in several consecutive slides, the first one as Master video track, with the followers linked to it. In this situation you can show additional images via normal transitions, and transition points can be easily shifted.



  5. Lin, I understand the concerns of synchronization possible, but my question is simple: PTE know create an audio file from a video clip, why does not a usable mp3 sound file? My question is simple, the answer should also be.

    Just a remark: There are still patents on mp3.



  6. ... Does anybody know what it does, what effect using it has on file size, and does it indeed even exist, as I cannot find it. As I said prior to full 7.5 release I used it. It is mentioned on page 8 of the guide. Anybody out there know where to find it ...

    What I see on page 8 does not say that there exists a button, sorry :(



  7. In deutscher Sprache kenne ich so gut wie nichts, außer dem offiziellen Handbuch, das derzeit nur für v7.0 vorliegt, sicher aber bald auch für v7.5 erscheinen wird, siehe hier. In englische Sprache gibt es einiges. Das ist jetzt nicht speziell auf V7.5 zugeschnitten, aber sicher gut anwendbar:

    How To' / FAQs von Peter Appleton (fh1850):


    Tutorials von Lin Evans:



    Du kannst natürlich auch direkt Fragen "posten", entweder hier in deutscher Sprache oder in Englisch in den großen englischen Teil des Forums.



  8. This method has one big drawback.The extract audio from a video to mp4 is named, for example, video.mp4. This file is not saved in the Explorer and can not be edited in an audio editor. It is better to extract the audio from a video using Audacity or Freemake Video Converter.

    If you do it as described above, inserting the video twice, once as a video in the slide track, secondly as an audio clip in an audio track, no audio will be extracted. The exe file will only include the video file once, and it will be interpreted in two ways.



  9. If you have more than one clip in a track - LOCK the track - go to CUSTOMIZE Clip - OFFSET first clip by exact amount required - all clips move by same amount.


    Doing it in this way seems to be better than using the mouse! You do not even need to lock the track. Only the offset of the first clip is absolute, all others are given relative to the predecessors. These relative offsets remain invariant. In the same way you can shift some clip in the middle and all its successors at the same time.



  10. ...

    Anyway, if i know that i will insert a 2 seconds slide, it would be useful to numerically specify a 2 seconds audio track offset.


    This would be another function to be maintained which may not be used very often. By expanding the timeline you can easily drag the clips on the level of milliseconds. The time box indicates the position of the start of the first clip (if this one has been highlighted).



  11. ...

    That issue was never resolved and is still present in 7.5.


    It is also a fact that in particular situations v7.x is slower than earlier versions. The reason is that since v7 mipmapping is always switched on. This feature can be switched off in v.6.



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