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Posts posted by xahu34

  1. I had to delete these links because under Windows 8 their new Start menu is a flat and all links are mixed! So I keep only one link - to main application of PicturesToExe.


    Would it make sense to have a menu "Tools" in the main application containing links to the tool?



  2. ...

    My main concern is, if this is to be the norm & people are storing their exe's in this way, how is the individual who has obtained an exe zipped this way from say mediafire incorporate the exe into a PTE menu. Say a competition organiser is receiving zipped files from numerous sources, zipped using this method ...

    Users who work with menus, in particular competition organizers, typically are of the sophisticated kind. They should be able to manage the situation. What about making your own tests instead of asking that kind of questions?



  3. I have to add a remark to my previous post, first a correction to my post no. 5:

    What does Paul want to have: He wants a show with manual control (transition times unpredictable) in which the music runs independently from the slides, and that with particular slides new songs start to run. In the old versions you could do this with sound comments (not interrupted). In the old versions you could do this with "Play new background music" in the Customize Slide Window.

    If you do this (using "Play new background music" in the Customize Slide Window) in a project of v.7.0, and then open this project in v.7.5, you will find the feature "Play new background music" at least for those slides which already had this kind of local background music. But if you start a new project in v.7.5 you will not find this feature any more (at least I did not find it).



  4. ... It seems that I miss some important detail to understand this problem.

    Now I must admit, that I have problems, too. The funny thing is that Paul (Politer) and I seem to have made the same observation when comparing 7.0 and 7.5. It may be that both of us made the same mistake (mix-up). Perhaps we used sound comments in 7.5, but local background audio in 7.0. Sorry :rolleyes:



  5. ...

    Sound comments were always sycnhronized since v5.0.

    From my post above: I have a slide with manual control and slide time (say) 2 minutes (long enough to make some life comments). This slide has some music as sound comment, and this music should go on playing with the next slide. I finish my life comments for this slide after 30 to 45 seconds. Then I decide to go to the next one (so this point of time is not predictable). When I do the manual change, the song does not go on playing continuously (as with former versions), it jumps to second 120.

    In version 7.0 the music does not make this jump, provided that we have the options: No synchronization of music and slides, Sound comments not interrupted. In 7.5 the jump always takes place (it is independent from synchronization of music and slides)



  6. ...

    Do you know any audio file where separate view of channels can show important for synchronization details which can not be seen in mixed view?


    No, I do not know such an audio clip. Until now, I have never used the view with separated channels. My post no 8 from above only gives a correction of KSF's statement (post no 7).



  7. ...

    The CPU is an Intel Celeron M 430 at 1.73GHz with 2GB ram and the display adaptor is a Mobile Intel 945 chipset family.


    Maybe that V7.5 uses features of DirectX9c that your graphics system does not support. In my opinion, with this hardware you will not be very happy with PTE or similar AV software.



  8. Try using "Run Application" instead?


    Dave, this cannot be a solution. He obviously wants to have smooth concatenations of shows. Furthermore, if the command "Run slideshow on exit" produces error messages of that kind, it does not make sense to suggest any workarounds. There seems to be a bug!!!!!!!



  9. ...

    Vermutlich glaubst Du , dass die vorherige 'Bug'-Meldung wenig Aussicht auf Erfolg hat .


    Tatsächlich, ich glaube nicht, dass hier etwas passieren wird. So weit ich weiß, und es war auch mein Betreiben im Forum, werden die Sound Comments demnächst abgeschafft und vielleicht durch normale Clips ersetzt, vielleicht solche, die an bestimmte Sildes gekoppelt sind. Vielleicht passt da das alte Konzept nicht mehr so ganz hinein?? Zu diesem Thema wird es noch einige Diskussionen geben. Man sollte sich einmal anschauen, wie die Sache bei m.objects geregelt wird.



  10. ...

    Aber ....Neues Problem : Häufig steigt das Programm (bei Aufruf der folgenden EXE) mit einem 'EXCEPTION E Out of Memory in module ....' in der zu Ende gehenden EXE aus . Weiterer Bug ????


    Wenn das passiert: Mache einen Screenshot und poste die Beobachtung als Bug-Meldung ins englische Forum, Sektion PicturesToExe.

    In der Vergangenheit habe ich so etwas weniger oft beobachtet. Ich glaube, dass diesmal sehr viel am Programm geändert wurde und dass die Beta-Test-Phase eventuell zu kurz war.



  11. Hallo Paul,

    ich denke, Du kannst mit einer anderen Konstruktion zurechtkommen: Entwickle alle Deine Teile der Schau, die jeweils mit einem neuen Sound beginnen sollen, als eigene Projekte, jeweils mit Soundtrack der nicht synchronisiert abläuft. Erzeuge separate Exe-Dateien, alle mit derselben Version von PTE. Über die Projektoptionen lassen sich diese verknüpfen (Run slideshow on exit). Alles läuft dann in einem Player ab, so dass die Übergänge nahtlos sind.



  12. ...

    I have seen the same waveform issue as reported in your first post (which seems to have been overlooked in other peoples replies), that it looks mono or just showing one channel.

    If you go into the Settings, Preferences, Timeline options you will see a "View of Waveform" section. Click the Mixed Channels option and the waveform will display L & R channels.


    You may have a look at post No. 3. BTW The Mixed Channels option shows the mixed channels, hence only one wave :(



  13. Hi Daniel,

    Creating AVIs with custom codec (e.g. x264vfw, the one that you like) can be done with earlier versions, as well. Two comments: 1. It is said that the AVI container is not well suited for H.264 encoded videos; 2. Take care if the AVI that you obtain in this way can exceed the limit of 2 GB, older versions of PTE could not do that.

    I myself prefer the Xvid encoder, my TV (Samsung) likes it much more than H.264. My way to go: I create an uncompressed virtual (temporary) AVI with PTE, and transcode it with Virtual Dub to an Xvid encoded AVI. Virtual Dub can make AVIs of larger size.



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