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David Porter

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Posts posted by David Porter

  1. Hi Mick

    I didn't comment because what I saw on Youtube didn't match the positive comments, so I assumed the others had downloaded the Exe. In other words the quality didn't seem there on my Youtube download. While we are talking youtube, I made am MP4 of my Botanic Road show with the intention of putting it on Youtube, but the 75 MB exe came out as a 250MB MP4, so I tried making an IPad/IPod version & that only increased the size by 33% to 100MB, tried to upload it to Youtube but it stuck part way through, may try again later.

    Regards Eric


    Well, as I thought I will not bother to link to Youtube again on this site

  2. Hi Mick

    Any reason for 16-10? If you are making DVD's for showing on widescreen TV's, 16-9 is the norm, I know people compromise with 16-10 to get the best of both worlds meaning less cropping of 3-2 pics from your camera, assuming you can't change the AR in camera? I use 16-9 straight out of my camera but it is a pain having to compose your pictures for viewing through a letterbox, maybe 4-3 will come back one day. Incidentally I don't know the monitor you have chosen, but I can swivel mine 90 degrees which is a great feature for editing portrait shots.

    Regards Eric


    As I said I intend to do a lot more printing (joining a photo club). Being a bit of a stick-in-the-mud and shooting 35 mm for over 50 years, I tend to compose in the format of the camera 3:2. I think that is a good starting format for prints as it can be cropped square or wide screen, although wide screen does not always work for prints (in my view). So 16:10 seems to be a good compromise.

    Jumping threads and having put the Youtube link on for you, what did you think of my "Autumn Leaves"?

  3. I am looking for a new monitor not only for my A/V work but also for printing my photos which I envisage will increase. I have been looking at the 24"

    Dell U2412M.IPS as I like the idea of the 16:10 format. It is around £240 which is about as much as would want to pay. Any thoughts on this monitor or alternative suggestions?

    Thanks in advance.

  4. Hi Maureen,

    Stunning as always but now enhanced by you sequencing your pans together. This was very effective and did convey a feeling of movement on the boat but, to me, gave me longer to look at the photos although I do agree with Bert that some of the early still shots were a bit on the quick side, whether to keep in time with the music I don't know. After my first veiwing I saw Ken's post about manual control which I think is great although I suspect this may have been an error on your part. Anyway, I have saved the show so I can look at all your wonderful shots at my leisure although I did not use manual control on my second veiwing.

    I'll P.M. you later with a suggestion for conveying even more movement although I think it may be a bit gimmicky for this show although you might like to try it.

  5. Maybe you should try my way, you may be surprised :unsure:/>/>/>, let's see what steven has to say. ;)/>/>/>


    Are you saying that "my way" does not follow the simple law - speed = distance/time. If so you will be rewriting all the mathematical and physical theories since the year dot.

  6. Hi Steven,

    You certainly are getting a grip on PTE's many functions and techniques and the moving cloud technique is very good indeed. Some of the things I did not like were 1) zooms a bit on the fast side and went from too close to too far away and they could have been spread more evenly throughout the show. 2) Too many similar photos where the horizon cut the image in two and some were not that interesting. 3)Too big a gap between the two pieces of music. Just my opinion of course and I am far from an expert (as you may like to see shortly in my show "Autumn Leaves")but I hope it helps and I you get a few more critiques.

  7. How weird is this! Eric's second post with the embedded Youtube presentation has somehow turned itself into MY youtube presentation of Autumn Leaves. Is everyone getting this or is there something going wrong with my computer. If you are getting "Autumn Leaves" you might like to let me know what you think of it before I put it on mainstream.

  8. Hi Gerry,

    One's judgement on an A/V is sometimes dependant on the mood you are in. Having just polished off a bottle of Savingnon Blanc when I only meant to drink half of it, I may be a bit biased but I was totally captivated by it. The money shot was the lttle girl looking up (at her kite). Kevin's piece of music helped as I have used that piece a couple of times on my own stuff. There was some really clever work there and I look forward to seeing more.

  9. My only negative comment would be that I would have liked to see the waterfalls taken at a much slower shutter speed to make them more "silky" and smooth.

    Patrick, that is one of the things I really like about your show - waterfalls that look like waterfalls and not ectoplasm. I think the silky smooth waterfall has been done to death and when did you ever see a waterfall that looks like that? And the rest of the show was very good indeed.

  10. Hi Eric,

    Your right, I did not read the last sentence in your preamble, just wanted to get on and see the show. The fact that I am the only one to respond to your excellent show points up the fact that this forum is not for people who make shows but for people interested in software and computers. I am looking around for an active Slideshow or A/V forum where constructive comments can help improvement but have not found one yet. I may be faced with joining a camera club with an active A/V section but then comments once a month is not ideal. Any ideas.

  11. Hi Andrew,

    Having seen some of your military shows before I thought this was by far the best. The photography was first class and I know it is not easy to get so many good shots under difficult circumstances. The show zipped along at a very nice pace and the music added to the experience. Perhaps a tad long for some of us non military types but I see you had the Nav Bar available - but I didn't use it.

  12. Well, I really enjoyed that. I can't comment about the competition possibilites as that is not my thing but I liked the pace of the show which matched the music very well. I liked the variation of the transitions and the way you used the portrait images. The photography was first class. I think you could look again at the pan/zoom of the crowd shot as this did not work for me and I think putting the exe file on mediafire will probably get rid of some of the jerkiness in the Youtube presentation. Good luck with the comp and there are many on this forum who can advise on that.

  13. Well, I have had another look at it and second time round I didn't think it too long at all (I just wanted to make a joke about UK weather). I was mesmerised by all the different textures in the photos and very intruiged as to how you took the shots. You have combined them very well and produced a very inivitive and different show.It is a shame that, to date, I am the only one who has commented. If someone spots an obscure technical point then replies abound but memebers seem to ingnore the purpose of the software - to produce A/V's.

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