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David Porter

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Posts posted by David Porter

  1. Hi Ronnie,

    Downloaded your show from Mediafire without a problem. Enjoyed it much more without the frames, again great photos. Never had any problems with Mediafire except when Virgin Media stopped talking to them but now is all okay. I have my own website and my a/v's can be downloaded from the site and it is much quicker than Mediafire or Bill's site. Don't understand the technical aspects or why you should not upload your A/v's to your site and give members the URL so they can download from there.

    Thanks for your tutorials, which I shall acknowledge on your web site


  2. Hi Ronnie,

    I have to be honest, I did not think the actual frame used added anything to your excellent photos, plus watching it go in and out of screen distracted attention away from the photos. I think I would have discarded the frame, maybe relying on a simple narrow white border, used the same movements but brought the next photo into part of the screen before the previous one disappeared completely. This way we would not be left staring at a blank space. Just my view but hope it is of some help.


  3. Hi Mick,

    Enjoyed the sequence. I took your advice and I too recently visited Scotney

    and enjoyed the new freedom to photograph the interiors. Pleased with the

    results at ISO 800. Some I took two pictures - one with exposure from the

    window and used layers/layer mask to combine.

    For burnt out highlights, I make much use of Photoshop - Image - Adjustments -

    Shadow/Highlight. Also good for getting details in shadows.

    Regards, Roger.

    Hi Roger,

    I did use Highlights/shadow but more to bring out detail in the dark areas which was more of a problem, I thought, than the highlights. Not sure I understand your "two pictures" technique but I found I was using upto ISO 1200 and was still thankful I had Image stabilised lens. I will do more NT properties in September when kids are back at school.


  4. Lovely castles and brilliantly photographed. I must go back to Scotland but the last time it rained.

    I didn't like the music much, found it a bit monotonous and tempo didn't fit well I thought. Also could the captions have stayed in one place especially when they were of the same castle? Otherwise a great show.


  5. Some, no not some but many, great candid shots and superb camera angles. To get these camera angles in the hurly-burly of a wedding shows great imagination and a quick eye. The slideshow could have done without the titles I thought and relied on fading to black. If anybody asks me to do a wedding, I refuse but say I'll take the video - much easier.


  6. Hi Mick

    If you like Peter's music choice I suppose you know of the works of Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina? BBc TV did a religeous music series last year, one programme featured Palestrina. The programmes are being repeated on BBC2 at present, the first was last week so the Palestrina programme is still to come. If you haven't heard of him type his name into Amazon MP3 downloads & you can listen to samples.


    Thanks, I will definitely keep my eye open for it. Have booked for the Proms again this year and our last concert is Monteverdi - Vespers of 1610. Sorry Peter for hijacking your thread.


  7. Hi Peter,

    Have watched your excellent presentation several times now both your embeded version in small screen and full screen on youtube and I do find the transitions are not reproduced as I'm sure you intended. Oddly, I used Gotomypc to get onto my home pc from a remote computer and when I tried to do some work on PTE and play it back, I didn't get any transitions at all! Obviously something goes wrong in the transmission.

    I love Allergri's Miserere. I have used the full version a couple of times on slideshows for personal viewing and never fail to choke up.


  8. Hi Maureen,

    Wonderful landscape photograpy as usual and a great presentation with music to match. I guess there must be quite a bit of planning goes into these trips to find such excellent locations and viewpoints. Keep up the good work.


  9. A great new tool and thanks Lin for the tutorial. However, I often like to start my music after the title slides. I know I can use Fade in or Start time to do this but this then misses the start of the music. I use "generate/silence" in audacity to achieve this but it would be great to have this added to the new tool. Apologies if there is a simple work round that i have missed, if so please tell me.


  10. Hi Colin,

    Great photos but especially the animals and great music to go with them. I have a number of friends who have spent their holidays in your country and they all enthuse about it. Maybe I will get there one day.

    Re your visit to UK, I am afraid the Lake District will be rather busy during August but if you can put up with that it is a great place to photograph but wherever you go I look forward to seeing the slideshow.


    ps Can't you do anything about the Vuvuzelas!!!

  11. I am using this slideshow to showcase my photos, so there is nothing special in the presentation and I have not been to fussed on simply showing portrait shots as they are. However the files for the slideshow are being downloaded from my web site (thanks to Lin Evans for the guidance)and I would be grateful if anyone has difficulty in downloading and viewing. Thanks in advance.


    PC Download HERE

    MAC Download HERE

  12. Thanks for all your rapid response to my problem but would you beleive it - 30 minutes after posting I had a e-mail from Mediafire to say they had been talking to Virgin Media and V.M had found the problem and were now resolving it. Whether that was because I threatened to leave them I doubt but it is now up and running again. Lin - thanks for your input re the web site but as I operate this site on a "painting by numbers" basis, I shall contact my friendly guru and see what can be done. A/V coming up.


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