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Everything posted by DimmY

  1. Ken Yes, that it! And this feature is useful only if the logo shown in the center of the screen. All other positions is useless. And I often need to put a logo at the top or bottom of a picture. Is it possible? Alas!
  2. Yes, of course. Anybody can steal pictures from the screen. But! Imagine that I created a presentation with time-limited, password protected etc. usage. The allowed time is gone. Presentation become useless, and I don't want to give any possibility to extract files from EXE file. As an example of crypting pictures I can mention Firehand Lightning. I think it's not very difficult to make a simple encryption of produced PTE's presentations. Since PTE has some features to protect presentations, these features should be better.
  3. Ok, Ron. I try to use another words to explain. Could you tell me the purpose of watermarking feature in PTE? What the sense in it? It couldn't be used to watermark pictures because watermarks are linked to desktop, not to the actual picture. So, for what watermarking is? Just to decorate desktop?
  4. And it seems you both don't understand me at all. I said that watermarking feature in PTE just doesn't work as it should. So this feature is useless. I didn't ask how to create presentations and how to mark/prepare pictures for them. I know it.
  5. Of course, I can make many things in Photoshop! And, of course, I have some third party utilities for watermarking. But I want to use features of PTE! Also, sometimes it's more convenient to not modify source pictures.
  6. Is it possible to add watermarks over the REAL pictures in presentation, not over the desktop? It seems, the current watermark behaviour is meaningless (if pictures are not stretched to all screen), because presentations is used on different monitors with different resolutions, so the placement of watermark will be also different. I need to mark/protect the pictures themselves, not the desktop!
  7. I can protect a presentation by password, restrict using it by the number of runs and by dates. It's good. But it's almost useless, because anyone can extract all pictures from all PTE's presentations with some of the ripper utilities (for example, I did it easily with FAR Manager + plugin Mr.Ripper). Is it possible to make at least a simple encryption of presentation contents?
  8. Àáñîëþòíî ñîãëàñåí ñ àâòîðîì ýòîãî òîïèêà! Èãîðü, ïðîãðàììà ÎÁßÇÀÍÀ ïðåäóïðåæäàòü î ïåðåçàïèñè ôàéëà! ×åñòíî ãîâîðÿ, ÿ óäèâëÿþñü, ïî÷åìó çà âñå ãîäû ñóùåñòâîâàíèÿ PicturesToExe ýòîò ãëþê, âîçâåäåííûé â ðàçðÿä "îñîáåííîñòåé", òàê è íå áûë èñïðàâëåí. Î÷åíü íàäåþñü, ÷òî òû âñå æå óäåëèøü ýòîìó âðåìÿ. Ñïàñèáî.
  9. À íå ïîðà ëè ñäåëàòü îêíî íàñòðîåê ïðåçåíòàöèè â äðåâîâèäíîì ñòèëå, êàê, íàïðèìåð, â íîâûõ âåðñèÿõ Total Commander èëè ACDSee? Òàê áóäåò çíà÷èòåëüíî óäîáíåå, äà è ïðîñòîðíåå äëÿ äîáàâëåíèÿ íîâûõ ïàðàìåòðîâ.
  10. But keep in mind that result sound quality will be less, than original, because both these formats are lossy.
  11. Âîîáùå-òî, ýòî äåéñòâèòåëüíî áûëî áû î÷åíü íåïëîõî -- äîáàâèòü â PTE ïðåäëîæåííûå ôóíêöèè! Ïðèñîåäèíÿþñü!
  12. Ñ íîâîãîäíèìè ïîçäðàâëåíèÿìè ÿ çàïîçäàë, à âîò ïîçäðàâèòü âñåõ ðóññêîãîâîðÿùèõ ïðàâîñëàâíûõ ñ íàñòóïàþùèì Ðîæäåñòâîì óñïåâàþ â ñàìûé ðàç! Ñ Ðîæäåñòâîì! P.S. Èãîðü, ÿ óøåë èç "Ìèðà ÏÊ", òåïåðü ðàáîòàþ â PC Magazine, åñëè ÷òî -- ïèøè ìíå íà ìîé áåñïëàòíûé àäðåñ. Æåëàþ óäà÷ è íåïðåêðàùàþùåãîñÿ äâèæåíèÿ âïåðåä! Áóäåøü â Ìîñêâå -- ñîîáùàé!
  13. guru I cannot agree with you! JPEG 2000 has real benefits as compared to "plain" JPEG. And all codecs I've seen work good (for example, from LuraTech or Adobe). The only drawback of JPEG 2000 (at least for me) is very high CPU power consumption to show/decompress images.
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