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Posts posted by ccmanz

  1. However I can't seem to get it to recognize the second slideshow although I have two instances of PTE open simultaneously.   It seems to want to create a second copy of the first show.    The second show shows up on the timeline, but when I "play" it, I get the first show all over again.    

    Anyone else having this problem?

    I Just tried doing two shows at once and had the same thing happen to me.

    so far I have not found a work around.

  2. I don’t think you need to tell someone how to convert the file.

    Programs change all the time. I think just letting them know

    what file type will work best for them. Then they can do a little

    research and find what will work.

    My example of the text would look something like this:

    "The audio selected is a protected file and may not play on other PC’s

    You may want to select a different audio format to insure your audio will

    play on a friend’s or customer’s PC. (mp3 and ogg* are our preferred choice)"

    * Added by guru

  3. If you create the same video to a DVD you will see a different.

    But, your monitor Res is so much higher. It still will not compare to

    the quality of your monitor.

    Making a Video out of my shows is not for the quality.

    It is so people that do not have a computer can view our show.

    and a larger group can view a show at one time.

    VCD - 352x288

    SVCD - 480x576

    DVD - 720x576

    Monitor - 1024x768


  4. My pictures are backed up every night to an external hard drive too. I have all my pictures divided up into Dir that will fit on a DVD. 2004 Part 01, 2004 Part 02 ect..... Then the Dir these are in, is set up as a mapped P: Drive (Pictures). This way it does not matter which computer I am on. My links to a picture is always P:/ . Then every night anything new on my P: Drive is backed up to my external hard drive. Once I have an amount that will fill a DVD I start a new Dir. And Burn a DVD for an additional hard copy. Right now I have 7 DVD's This would have taken about 49 CD's.

    If my wife wants to use the laptop when we are away from home and Look through our pictures. It is a lot easier for us to take 7 DVD's then 49 CD's. This really does not answer your question of what media is better. But for me the DVD is the better choice for archiving my files.


  5. Gary,

    I had this error too and I had "Show transition effect to desktop after last slide" checked.

    If I turned off this option then my error went away. I was not able to figure out what the problem was.

    This is the only show I have that I had this problem with. I have use this option on many different shows.

    I am not sure why it does not work on this one show. I am sure there is a reason.

    I sent the PTE file to Igor but never heard anything back.

    Maybe this might be what your trouble is too.


  6. Congratulations!

    Since we got our new little one back in April. My camera has

    gotten a real work out. The hard part is finding time to make


    But, If you are like me, when you do have time to work on one.

    You will end up with Soooooo many pictures you want to use.


  7. Yes,

    You pick the date you want the show to quit running and display a message.

    You also type any message you want them to know.


    Time to make your Order. Call Cindy at 1-800-xxx-xxxx

    But you are right, If you set the date on your computer back, then the PTE show will play.


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