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Posts posted by MUR

  1. He all

    I used the shortcut key, in which all slides except the number 1 are moved to the right end of the timeline, start playing the music and then every time the key is pressed, the next slide is moved to the site where the musici s at the time.
    It is very good for a first approximation but I forgot which is the key.
    Please someone that can refresh my mind
  2. Hi Jevans

    I know this is not a solution, but sometimes it is useful, I open the music in Audacity, decreased the rate by half (runs at half the real speed), then active "add tag (labels)" and with the ear very attentive and ctrl-m, mark the points.
    Then I export the tags file, which is a text file with the times that I will use for slides.
  3. Hi Denis

    I modified de macro, now is review 6, download it and look if is working. In my computer there is no problem.

    Now I am following your advice, Thanks. I did not know that function.

    You are right, counter = 0 is not neccesary


  4. Hi

    Based on the question of Claudio Carrelli (Slide show duration change), I made this simple macro that allows you to change the duration of each slide, by a certain percentage, automatically.
    The macro can be adapted to other forms, such as adding or removing a fixed amount to the duration of each slide, or modify only the slides that have a longer or shorter time value (or what do you want?).
    You can also adjust other variables of slides.
    The instructions are on sheet 1 of the Excel Book.


  5. Hi Claudio

    Thinking about your question, I did an experiment, which I think was successful, but I want others to confirm.

    Selected all slides.

    Copied and pasted on a page in Excel.

    With a small macro, I selected cells "CopiedSlideTime =", which contains the duration of each slide.

    Then I increased then by 10% (multiply by 1.1).

    Opened a copy of the project.

    Deleted all the slides (keep the audio).

    Copy the Excel column with all data and pasted into this project.

    .... And all the slides now have the new times.

    If this is indeed so, perhaps other variables can be modified in this way. I will work on this to see if it is true.


  6. Hi Barry

    I agree with you.

    I discovered it some time ago and is already included in the table of keyboard shortcuts.

    Meanwhile there is something better, I make a link of the first audio clip of each audio track to a dumb black slide at the end of the project and then moves that slide,

    it's annoying but better than losing a careful sinronizaciĆ³n of multiple sound files.


  7. Hi bbdigital

    I use google chrome, but why I can see the file in slideshow (with dark brown background) and others can not see it.
    The same happened with the previous upload, but someone, I guess it was Igor, fixed it.
    Referring to the number of uploads per month, this is the second from September 25
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