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Resizing of a group of slides

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In March I posted one question (see below) conserning resizing of slides, but without any respons.

I suppose there were no answer.

I now continually fase this same shortage, and so far I can't find any help in version 7 of PTE.

I suppose there would be a need for many to be able to resize a group of pictures to original size (100%), without having to do this with each and every picture under "Objects and Animation". Or that there would be an option that every new slide would be of 100% size (instead of being fitted to the slide). Usually there is a need to make the picture a little bit oversize, making it easier to be reoriented or to zoom it with best quality. And as known the picture quality is best at original size.

When there is a small number of pictures this is not a problem. But like me, often using a a lot of pictures, this lack is a little bit disturbing. Last week I resized manually over 800 pictures under "Objects and Animation" - a lot of klicking...

I also examined the project file opened with Microsoft Word and tried to find a way to "find" and "replace" the resizing commands.

I compared two projects with an easyusing free software called "ExamDiff", and fond that there were a big difference with a "untouched" project, and one where the slides had been resized to original size. Ones the slides are resized in a project, then it would be easy to do a new resizing with the "find" and "replace" commands. So this method looked a little difficult to use.

What I propose is, that this feature would be added to PTE.

(if I just have missed an easy way of resizing in PTE, please correct me)



Posted 2 of march 2011:

>>> Is there a way to make a multiple resize of pictures in slides to the original size (100%), without having to do this in each and every slide. I mean the procedure in "Objects and Animation" -> "Common" -> "Size/positions in pixels..." - and then klicking "Size", which force the picture to be of the original size.

By purpose I want some pictures to be larger (= original size) than the slide in a slideshow. >>>

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  • 3 weeks later...


Why not resize the photos outside the PTE program. There is a free photo editing program called Photoscape previously recommended by Lin that has a batch editor within it that enables you to resize a set of photos to a similar size. It is avaiable from


Good Luck


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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry Alan...

... have been away on holiday, and didn't see your response.

I try to explain.

When I shoot picture sequenses with a rigid tripod there is no problem.

I then just resize a group of pictures in Photoshop to e.g. 1920x1080 size (automated with "actions").

But I do a lot of sequence shooting handheld (4 or 8 pics/s), or with a timer with a steadycam.

Then the pictures tend to "jump around", and even twist a little.

When I then create a project I make the pictures a little oversize (e.g. 2100x1181px).

The next steps are:

1. I resize the slides in PTE to original size (100% size by clicking "Size" in "Objects and Animation" - and this has to be made manually a lot of times depending on how many pictures I have (often many hundreds)...)

2. Then I reposit the pictures in the sequence manually (those needed). This is very easely done with PTE (compared to other softwares) under "Objects and Animation" using the grid as a reference. Also, if the pictures need to be twisted, I usually move each pictures reference dot to a suitable grid position (the dot in the middle of the pictures) by activating the shift key and by moving the dot with the mouse - before I twist the pictures.

I need to use oversized pictures, because when I do move and twist the pictures, the pictures would fell outside the viewing window.

For me the lack of an easy way to resize a group of slides to original size is disturbing.

But I think that this feature would be needed also by others, because the original size of a picture gives the best image quality.



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  • 1 month later...

If your a Photoshop user, CS-4 or 5, (not sure if this was included in CS-3) there is a great tool to line up hand held sequence shots that I use all the time, even for print purposes. It works in my experience 95% of the time, as long as reasonable care is taken to hold the camera as steady as possible when taking the shots.

Start with the high res files, before you crop them to 1920*1080

Open both versions of your image in Photoshop and drag on onto the other to create a layer.

Unlock the Background layer and holding the Ctrl key, highlight both layers.

Go to Edit > Auto Align Layers and select Auto from the attached screen Grab

Crop and save each layer and generally they will be spot on.

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