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PTE shows hang at end


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I noticed on my computer a problem with PTE shows (with music): when I reached the end of the show (or if I press ESC), the show hung (is blocked). I have to kill it manually, impossible to exit.

This occurs randomly (about 50%), even on shows I'm sure they worked fine on other computers (shows downloaded on Beechbrook Cottage for example).

Also, it occurs on my own shows (from PTE preview, or even executable files) as with shows made by other members...

I know this problem is more likely linked to my configuration (W2000 Professionnal, dual P2 350 Mhz), but I have absolutely no problem with all other applications, even with sound and images, other multimedia products (other slideshows software with sound) , etc... Everything goes smooth and fine, except PTE shows at exit time !

My OS installation is recent, and I don't want to reinstall Win2000 and all my applications.

I suspect a problem with "audio".

Is there a way to fix this problem ?



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Dear Marco,

We'll solve this problem.

1) First of all, let me know, please, what version of PicturesToExe you have installed?

2) Try to play our special test presentation:

http://www.wnsoft.com/apr/show/Per_aspera_ad_astra.zip (1,5 Mb)

3) I just sent you email with request about additional testing.

To Al,

Please couldn't you try on your dual PII PC with Win2k? I remeber you helped us to fix similar bug on July with earlier beta versions.

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Thanks for your reply.

1) I currently use PicturesToExe v 4.20 Beta 2.

I noticed same problem with 4.14 (and I don't remember for earlier version)

2) I will try to reproduce the problem with "Per aspera ad astra" show and report. As I wrote in my first post, the problem appears randomly, not systematically.

3) Ok.

I will try to remember exact condition to reproduce the problem, and report all details.



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To Al,

Please couldn't you try on your dual PII PC with Win2k? I remeber you helped us to fix similar bug on July with earlier beta versions.

Hi, Igor,

I would love to help you out here, but I gave up my 2-processor mode a few months ago as I got tired of switching between it and Win Me for my Cubase MIDI and sound editor, v. 3.01. It wouldn't run in Win 2000.

Then I bought an upgrade to Cubase that requires either Win 2000 or XP, and so far have been unsuccessful in restoring the Win 2000 system. It seems to be incompatible with my ATA/66 drives for some reason, and I can't figure out how to solve it! :(

My system has been acting up lately, too. It won't re-start, and when I shut down, I have to keep flicking the reset button when I go to start it up again. Could be a BIOS problem.

Since the new Cubase works best on a P4 (or Mac) with lots of HD space, a new pc is high on my Santa want-list! :) I will probably go fo Win XP when I do upgrade.

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Hi Igor,

I just sent you a full report by email.

According to all my tests (in v3.80, v4.10, v4.14, v4.20 and special debug version), the problem is linked to "new improved music player" introduced in v4.10.

(shows created with 3.80 are running without any problem).

I can help to find what's wrong in further testing you suggest me.

Is there other members experiencing this problem (or not) on Windows 2000 Professionnal ?



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