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PanosFX Free Action and Available Template for PTE

Lin Evans

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Just a little sample using one of the great PanosFX free Photoshop or Elements actions to help create. The PanosFX action creates either of two "lightbulbs" and allows the user to place their own image inside. I took the "snow lightbulb" results and created a template which the user can, within seconds, put their own image inside and animate with snowfall or not using PTE.

Essentially the template provides a "sandwitch" of layers between which your own image and the snowfall reside. Simply replace my image with either a PNG with transparency or a full scenic and size it to fill the existing space. If you want snowfall, then leave things as they are and it will automate and run for sixty seconds. Use a two second fade and copy and paste the slide as many times as you want it to run in one minute intervals. Just go to the Objects and Animations screen, Properties tab and click on my image then on the open file icon at the top right of the screen to navigate to your own PNG, bmp, gif, animated gif or jpg and replace mine with yours. Size and place visually to fill the lightbulb space as desired.

Here's the sample which uses four "copies" of the original and one additional slide. Note that the velocity of snow changes with the last slide because the display time is half that of the one minute default. Of course it's possible to change that by adjusting the distance the PNG snowfall files travel in the different display time, but I didn't bother.

http://www.lin-evans.org/sample/bulbanimationdemo.zip (15 meg zipped exe)

Anyone interested, just post and let me know and I will upload the template...

Best regards,


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Hi Robert,

Here is the link to the little template and instructions:


Best regards,


Enjoyed the sentimental moment.

Certainly, I'd like your template. I need an easy place to start, to move my PTE projects out of my own easy confinement.

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