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Request For Help with Organization

Lin Evans

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Hi Guys,

For those who write a number of articles or tutorials for the forum, if you could please organize them into a compiled list with an index of titles and links it would greatly facilitate not only keeping track but also make it much easier for the forum visitor to find your work. I have created an alphabetic index for the Articles and Tutorials section and when you post a new entry to this forum it will be alphabatized and updated on the master index. If you write a new tutorial it's fine to post the notice of such, but if you have many of them and can organize them into a single entry with an index (doesn't need to be alphabetic) and when you create a new one, add it to your own indexed list with a link, it will help greatly with organization. The new entry will be indexed alphabetically to help the new visitor find what they are looking for and the link associated in the master index will point to your post. Hopefully, the link to the tutorial you provide in your post will then point to your own indexed list. If you have a number of tutorials or articles and create such an indexed list, it can be pinned to avoid being lost in the jumble of new posts as time goes on. The Master Index only points to your post and not to any replies. It would also help if you could use a meaningful descriptive subject name first on your post. For example: Videos, How to Create RGBA alpha channel videos - rather than How to Create RGBA alpha channel videos. This way the indexing will have much more usefulness. I've not followed my own advice in the past, but will make a concerted effort to use this type of naming convention in the future for my own tutorials...



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