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This is an updated version 1.2.   I had high hopes for this one, for a photo harmony competition next year, but I just can't get it to flow as I'd like.  So, it's now just a family show of a recent trip to Thailand, I hope it may make you want to consider Thailand as a holiday destination.

It is longer than my usual 4 - 5 mins, but I think the music glues the three portions successfully.  I may do two short versions from this long one, one with people and landscapes and another with people and temples.

As always, I welcome detailed constructive comment, ideas and suggestions.
(If anyone can provide this, please point me to one of your shows and I'll return the favour.)

Win And Mac versions on Slideshow Club, link below.


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Hi Mark,

I think for the purposes of comments it would be a good idea to include the Navigation Bar so we can identify particular areas of the show. One point on first viewing is it might help in keeping the interest going to vary the fade times more to suit the music. In one area showing the temples a straight cut between shots might be suitable and would fit the music.


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Hi Mark,

Guess it is disappointing for you not to have more feedback especially as previous shows have bought much more response, which I think you found very useful. The Forum seems to be in the doldrums at the moment and even Yachtsman has not replied - what's going on? Perhaps our Moderators can instil some life.


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Not a problem, holiday season etc.  In the past I have found this forum to be a mixed bag, sometimes there is loads of really useful feedback and other times very little.  I suspect it's a human thing, people will give feedback to those who have previously been helpful in offering the same.  

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I don't think the lack of response to your request has anything to do with a holiday season at all and the lack of comment is already sending you a loud and clear message. I think members are not too happy to make comments where they may have to be less than fully complimentary.

One reason is that some don't feel qualified to give an opinion, but others are held back because they don't want to say what they know they would have to say, if they gave honest feedback. There may also be a politically correct element creeping in where members don't want to say anything that is out of step with the main stream. They are scared they will be ganged up on by those who don't share their view.  We have seen it before where one member will comment on another persons comment and then that will be jumped on by others. Its bullying basically by those who don't have the courage to stand alone and make a constructive comment. Sadly the result ends up with no one saying anything of consequence at all.

I watched your show as 45 others did and I formed a view of it. Those other 45 would also have done too, but I kept my thoughts to myself as they have. Until now.

I don't think you can create work of art by committee and asking others what direction you should take is not a good idea in my view. It gives the impression that you are more intent on winning the competition than producing a piece of work that you like and you are proud of. Create it for yourself and if its good enough for a competition, then you have a bonus.

The loud and clear message your being sent is that the show is not rated highly. If it was, you would have had more response. In comparison to your recent Iceland sequence this isn't in the same league. Sorry to say this, but its a bit ordinary and certainly not likely to do really well in the same type of competition.

The images look like those most of us take when we go on a family holiday. A few of them stand out as above average, but most do not and they are a bit ordinary, both in content and manipulation.

The music sounds great, but the images are not joining with the music to make the sum of the two parts greater. The sequence seems to lack a purpose and direction with the fades not fitting hardly at all with the music. It just wanders, which then results in making the sequence too long.

The hands image for example seems to have little purpose where its placed. It would make a better image at the start or end perhaps. I am not sure your choice of subject or the approach is going win you that competition. I think you probably already know that and perhaps you posted the sequence to get a second opinion, but none came forward.

Its a competent slide show, but a competition one? probably not, unless the standard your up against is low, then where is the merit in winning? It comes across as a good family record of a great holiday and its certainly worth posting on SSC, but I think the familiarity of the subject matter leaves few avenues to improve it for competition with the title Photo Harmony.






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As always, Barry I appreciate your honest and genuine advice.  Thank goodness to have someone who can say what they think!

This show has been causing me some headaches.  I go from V1, to V1.1 and to V1.2 and back to V1.  I think I might be better doing one that relates to the people and another on the temples, etc.  I have updated the show (V1.2.1) on SSC.

I fully agree that this is just one for the family, as all my shows start off as, and not one for competition.  Whilst it is pleasing to watch, it doesn't have the impact of "Iceland" or "Scotland".

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One of the most difficult areas is to find an angle and music to show images that may not have a story entwined within them. The more you force it, the worse the creativity seems to be. I have lots of folders with slide show titles that only got so far and petered out. 

I have to wait for inspiration and some times it comes and sometimes it doesn't:( Maybe an idea is to leave your show for a month or two and come back to it later. Sometimes I find that shakes loose the creative ideas, but not always :D

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Hi Barry, I have struggled with the music for this one.  I first used a lovely track by Karl Jenkins, but I showed it at my camera club the feedback was that the music was too European and that I should try and find some 'Thailand' music.  Easier said than done I can assure you!  I bought a CD of local music when I was over there, but none of the tracks worked.  So I went with 3 tracks of film music from the Marigold Hotel, (India I know, but Asian).  The three tracks started as 1,2,3 and then 3,1,2  and I also tried sitar music by Ravi and then track 3, but it didn't work either. So I'm back to track 2,1,3!

I think leaving it and coming back to it in a while is a good idea.  Thanks for your help.

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I think your main issue is asking others their opinion? What do they know that you don't?. Have you seen some of the slide shows made by those who may give you the advice? With regard to music I try to avoid the obvious. Take Enya for example. Beautiful music, lovely to listen to, but so many slide show creators reach for Enya because its easy and convenient. However, they pay a price for that easy option choice. Its a choice I avoid.

Why do images shot in China have to have Chinese music, why do Thailand images need Thai music and so on. Break the mold and use something completely different and to hell with those who tell you it must be Thai. music. By all means use a little of it to set the scene, but go with what works and not what is expected by the masses. Music is personal.

Making an AV in the style you do is a creative experience like an artist painting a picture. The artist doesn't have a crowd around them offering advice. They create something they like and they accept that they will not produce a masterpiece every time.

Perhaps you are trying too hard to win the competition and you need to step back and enjoy the process more. 

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