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How to make an object appear from behind another


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Hi Malcolm,

As you may see in theDom's project, there are two necessities. First you need the object (sun, etc.) to be a png object with transparency. Second, to get the object to appear from behind the image, either the image in the background must have a part made transparent, or better, take the background image into PhotoShop or your favoriter image editor and select and "copy" the portion of the image you want the sun to rise from behind. You can paste the copied part over a transparent layer and trim it so suit the scene. Be sure to save the copy/paste portion as a PNG with transparency. Next the sun must be placed on the level above the background image but below the copied part which is placed and sized so that the background "appears" to be a single image.

This means you size and place the copied PNG righ over the same portion in the background image. Then with the sun behind this copy/paste portion it will be invisible until you animate it to "rise" and it will become visible as it rises from behind the PNG duplicate. 

If you have problems doing this, zip up your project and give us a link and we will show you how it's done.

Best regards,


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I just copied that portion of the background to hide the moon, but if you want to do it the "easy" way, just take the entire background image into Photoshop. Check the size and create your transparency the identical size and paste the entire image over the transparency. Next just use the eraser and erase all the sky and save as a png. Put this PNG over your background and it will be the identical size so there is no difficulty sizing it - just use the same zoom figures as the background and it will fit perfectly. Then you can move the moon virtually anywhere that the non-transparent part of the PNG hides and reveal it via the desired pan.

Best regards,


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