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PTE Notification Mailing List - ETC.


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As we move into the New Year, it has been suggested that I remind our longtime PTE forum members, and also mention to our newest PTE forum members, of the availability of the "PTE Presentation Notification" mailing list found on http://www.beechbrook.com/pte. The sign-up link is at the top left-hand side of all download pages. When new presentations are uploaded an automatic notification message is sent to all subscribers. You may unsubscribe from the list at any time. Also please be aware that some servers block these messages. I can only send to valid email addresses that reside on unblocked servers.

Secondly I want to thank each of you again for your suggestions and comments of how to handle the ever-growing server space issue on Beechbrook. For several years it has been the guideline for presentation authors who have their own servers, or web space, to host their own shows and only provide me with a link to their show(s). I appreciate all of you who honor this guideline. This helps save space for those authors that do not have (or cannot afford) their own site.

Late last year I implemented a shorter duration time for hosting your presentations (from 90 days to 30 days). At present this change has helped to alleviate the issue and adequate server space is currently available. I also want to thank each person who made a thoughtful donation towards my server costs this year. You have helped to keep Beechbrook.Com free for others to enjoy.

In early 2006 Beechbrook.Com will be moved to new Microsoft 2003 server. When this move occurs some changes in my code will be required. I appreciate your patience as we experience these changes together. Although the PTE Upload Utility is still offline, I will continue to accept your presentations via email or one of the Internets 'drop zones' until it has been returned to service. Please visit http://www.beechbrook.com/upload for further information.

Finally, as requested I have increased the "Author's Notes" section from 255 characters to 64,000 characters. Hopefully this will provide adequate space for presentation authors to include valuable and significant notes about their presentations. These notes will be available online for all visitors to review from the download pages.

Happy New Year!

With kind regards,


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Thanks again, Bill - this is a very useful service. Thanks too for your offer to host the images and AV's for the New Years' Peace-in-the-World project. :)

My pleasure Severn and Al. What a great idea this is. I've already received a "first submission" during my testing of the upload page, so we're off to a good start. It will be interesting to see and hear from so many forum members as we work together on this very worthwhile project. There are so many creative members here with great ideas and talents to share. It will be fun, it will be inspiring and more importantly, it will help to move the theme forward - World Peace!


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