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Can't find images! Did 'Template' lose them???


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I noticed somethng strange. I made a slideshow of several hundred images. Everything went well. However, I went into MyComputer to just look at the images, and they are not there. But, when I view the folder in PTE, they are highlighted as if they are still in MyComputer and are still in the PTE's File List.

The only thing that might have cause a problem was to experiment with Template. I ran the Template on these files and then I dumped the files in the Template's folder. I read in some of the discussions about the Template function in the Forum and it was my understanding that only a 'copy' of the images are put in the Template folder.

Is it possible I have dumped all of my images...but why do I still see them in the PTE program's list of images?

If I have indeed lost the actual images, is there a way to extract them out of an already created PTE slideshow? How could they not show up in MyComputer but show up in PTE's File List???

Thanks... Gary

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Gary, I think your photos are "safe" if I understand your description.

When you use PTE template function, it creates a new folder which includes everything you have used in the PTE project. The new template folder does include copies of your photos from perhaps numerous folders that originally contained them. The photos are also still in the original folders unless you deleted them. PTE leaves them untouched. But if you did delete them, the copies are of course in the template folder so you can copy those back to anywhere you want.

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Thank, LumenLux. Well, the problem is that I dumped the images that were in the newly created Template folder (assuming that they were just copies). So they are not recoverable from there. But I did NOT delete them from their original folder used to make the PTE slideshow. What is not understandable is that, when in PTE, all looks well. The files that were chosen for the show are highlighed in the PTE File List. HOWEVER, when I go to look at these selected files using MyComputer, they are NOT there. Crazy. How can that be???? So...just to get them back in MyComputer, I'd like to extract the images out of the already made PTE slideshow file. I thought I read some time ago that this could be done but I have not yet found the program. Still looking. Any ideas what is going on here????? Thanks... Gary

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Sounds possible that you did erroneously delete the original files. Is it possible you deleted the originals rather than the ones in the template? Take another look in the created template folder just to make sure. Yes, "boxig", in this forum has made a utility to capture your photos from the PTE.exe show as it runs. But my understanding is it is a screen capture, therefor not the original file size etc. After looking again in your Template folder, try right-clicking on your recycle bin /explore to see if they are there to be retrieved. Also, in looking in the template folder, confirm it is the right one by the sound file you used. Or did you intend to dump that also from the template?

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Things do happen but there is no way I could have only deleted these images and not others images. I made a slideshow in 3 parts and linking them into one show. All of the images in Part2 are missing when trying to view them using MyComputer. I tried the Boxig program but, yes, it only makes screen prints...does not restore images from the exe file. But, I think the real mystery is how can everything look normal in the PTE File List, but the files do not show up using MyComputer or WindowsExplorer???? The sound files that were in another folder are still there. Only the images are not showing up in MyComputer.

I just tried something. I right clicked on an image shown in the PTE File List. It opens in the Windows Viewer. I then do an Open With 'Photoshop'. The file opens and when I do a Save, all the other 'missing' files show up in the file list. I do a Save of this one file...but, still, when I go back to view the image using MyComputer, none of the 'missing' file are there nor is this specific file that I just 'saved' is there. I am 'missing' about 518 images.


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Ok...stop the press. Call off the dogs. Everybody can go home now. I figured out my STUPID BOO BOO. I have over 800 images in this folder so my eyeballs get blurry. But I just figured out what I did. I had this group of images Sorted by 'Modified'....not my 'Name'. So this set of image were scooted down to the bottom the the file list. Even though I examined the entire file list, my eyes just did not pickup the file numbers.

Sincere apology for kicking up the dust. I will crawl back under my desk for the day.

Gary :unsure:

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The old saying of "All's well that ends well" springs to mind. Another old saying that is worth repeating here is "Always make a backup CD/DVD of your original files"./ imagine how you would feel right now if you had lost all those images!

BACK UP and be safe.

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Yes... I am a firm believer in backing up. And I do do it. I do have all the originals in RAW format. I would just have had to run my Photoshop Actions, re-tweek, and resave, etc. etc. It is hard to do the Backup Dance when you are in the process of creating the slideshow. But now that I have finished the slideshows, I'll do a complete backup of all my drives. It always seems that you need your backup just before you planned to make the backup. Must be some kind of law.

Really sorry for causing a stir.... Gary :o

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Having read this thread through to the "Eureka" I was about to suggest that you did a search for one of your images and taht would have located the various places for you and alerted you to your eventual find. I often use this method when I have saved a file ans it has mislocated. Something for the future.

Ron [uK]

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I have even had problems sometimes between "date Created" and "date Modified" headings. No problem Gary for the "false" alarm. Lots of good reminders here. Next question - is the show one that you will be able share to this group?

Yes... I have recently posted it on Beechbrook. It is the one on 'Rafting the Futaleufu' (which is Part2). I have Part1 and Part3 ready but they are so big I am not sure I should upload them. I had thought of doing the search for one of the 'missing' images but my I discovered my BOO BOO just before I was about to do that.

Thanks for all suggestions... Gary

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