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Adding slides


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Hi Igor,

At present, it is impossible to add a slide at the beginning or middle of a show without affecting the following slides. Is this something which will be corrected when the 4.4 features are added or is it a problem?

I am also getting unwanted bright pixels when PNG files are panned etc (the bright pixels travel with the PNG file) even though they were transparent when constructed/saved from PS. Any ideas why?


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If you set "Hold time points" option enabled (look at right-bottom part of the main window) keypoints will be hold when you insert new slide(s) to the middle of existed slides via Slide list.

Please send me such PNG image (int_support _A_ wnsoft.com). Maybe problem in incorrect alpha channel of this PNG image. Did you seen sources files of my PteShow demo? It has no problem with PNG images with semi-translucency and smooth edges.

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Thanks Igor,

I understand. I have to UN-TICK the "hold time points" to insert slides without affecting all of the other slides.

On the PNG problem - I will investigate further and if necessary send you a sample.

It does not happen every time - maybe it will be OK on the first "cycle" and show up on the second cycle (or vice versa).


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If you set "Hold time points" option enabled (look at right-bottom part of the main window) keypoints will be hold when you insert new slide(s) to the middle of existed slides via Slide list.


his does not seem to have any effect on my Version 5 copy. If I have three slides set at 10 sec intervals and I add a fourth slide between any of the first three, the subsequent slides just move along so that the time interval of 10s is maintained. This happens whether the "Hold time points" is checked or not. If you add an intermediate slide in the timeline view, then the subsequent slides do not move, again whether the "hold time points" is checked.

Are you referring to adding an object in the Objects editor when you refer to keypoints?


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Yes DaveG,

I see what you mean. I did not spot the difference the first time as all my slides were the same duration. It only works however if you insert the slide in the slid list, not if you insert the slide in the timeline.


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OK, let try again to reproduce this situation.

If it's a bug, it will be quickly solved!

- I start new project ("Hold time points" option is disabled)

- Add 3 slides

- Select all three slides, click "Customize slide" button and set 10 seconds

- I open timeline and see that my project is 30 seconds, and equal 10 sec. intervals.

Variant 1 (in Timeline window):

I set cursor at 5 second's position (between first and second slides) and press "Insert Slide" button.

So first slide will has 5 seconds, 2nd - 5 seconds, 3rd - 10 seconds and 4th - 10 seconds. Totally - 30 seconds

Variant 2 (main window):

I will insert new image in Slide list. I drag new image to between first and second slides. And same result as described above.

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This is what I was doing:

In the main view I was dragging a slide from the FILE PANEL to the SLIDE LIST and trying to create a new First Slide.

With the Hold Timed Points ticked the new first slide would take the time of the original slide and the New Second slide would take on the time of the original 3rd slide. All keypoints after the first new first slide would then be out.

With the Hold Timed Points unticked this does not happen.

When adding a slide in the TIMELINE between two original slides with the Hold Timed points ticked only the previous slide's Keypoints are affected. When adding a slide in the TIMELINE with the Hold Timed Points unticked no previous or following Keypoints are affected.

It is difficult to explain and it could cause confusion.


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OK, let try again to reproduce this situation.

If it's a bug, it will be quickly solved!

- I start new project ("Hold time points" option is disabled)

- Add 3 slides

- Select all three slides, click "Customize slide" button and set 10 seconds

- I open timeline and see that my project is 30 seconds, and equal 10 sec. intervals.

Variant 1 (in Timeline window):

I set cursor at 5 second's position (between first and second slides) and press "Insert Slide" button.

So first slide will has 5 seconds, 2nd - 5 seconds, 3rd - 10 seconds and 4th - 10 seconds. Totally - 30 seconds

Variant 2 (main window):

I will insert new image in Slide list. I drag new image to between first and second slides. And same result as described above.

Yes Igor I agree with your analysis. What I am saying is that inserting a new slide in the Main Window into the slide list gives a different result from inserting a new slide into the timeline window. When inserting slides in the timeline window, it does not matter whether the "Hold time points" is ticked or not. Not saying it is a bug, just a different action.


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I still can't understand this problem.

- With "Hold time points" option enabled, Slide list work as with synchronized mode in v4.48

If you insert new slides, keypoints on the timeline will not be moved.

- With "Hold time points" option disabled, Slide list work as with not synchronized mode in v4.48

In this case inserting of new slides or sorting of existed slide will cause sorting of keypoints, too.

If you can give me detailed step by step description how to reproduce this situation it will help me.

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I believe that "hold time points" was added to assist in proper adding of transition points when adding slides to the slide list. It has no value in the timeline view as there it is possible to add transition points where one desires.

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Hi Igor,

Please try this:

Set up new project with three slides with default slide time at 8 seconds.

Slide 1: Change time to 30 seconds and add keypoints at zero 1.5 seconds and 30 seconds.

Slides 2 & 3: Keep slide time of 8 seconds and add keypoints at 1.5 and 8 seconds.

Go to main window and drag new slide on top of slide 1 with "Hold Timed Points" ticked.

Check Keypoints in OandA and you will find that the New slide 1 has a Keypoint at zero

and a slide time of 30 seconds (not the default 8 seconds). The original slide 1 now has a slide

time of 8 seconds and has lost its 30 second keypoint in the OandA timeline. All of the original

Keypoints in the original 3 slides now seem to overlap.

If the "Hold Timed Points" is unticked when the new slide is dragged on top of slide 1 the above

does not happen.The new slide will be 8 seconds and the original slide 1 (now slide 2)

will still be 30 seconds with keypoints at zero, 1.5 and 30 seconds.

I think that this is "correct" for the setting of "Hold Timed Points" ticked but could cause

a lot of confusion if slides are added in the main window by dragging into place.


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Thank you for your patience in explanation me! I believe that it should be some bug in current beta. But I a little don't understand "Slide 1: Change time to 30 seconds and add keypoints at zero 1.5 seconds and 30 seconds." instruction.

Please say me do have enabled option "Auto adding of new transition points for new slide" ("Customize Synchronization" window, menu via "View" button) ?

May I suggest you to create video record?

Please download free Microsoft Media Encoder program:

http://www.microsoft.com/windows/windowsme...er/default.mspx (9 MB)

It will ask you what you want to do and choose "Capture screen", select "Specific window" (PicturesToExe should be already started) and choose PicturesToExe from a list. Now start record and reproduce all steps you described me. Then send produced (about 2 MB) file to me int_support (replace to @) wnsoft.com

Thanks in advance!

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Hi Igor,

I have sent a text file to Support@wnsoft with more instructions.

I cannot download the Microsoft program for a few reasons:

1. No internet connection on my laptop and

2. The download has to install and cannot be transfered to another machine

3. Dial up connection on my internet machine - no broadband!

If it is still a problem I can send some screen grabs?

"Auto adding of new transition points for new slide" ("Customize Synchronization" window, menu via "View" button) is TICKED.

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Please create this test project and did all steps (except of inserting new slide on last step). Save it and send to me. Will this problem occurs if you close/start PTE with this project and try to do this last step?

p.s. I just sent you personal message via forum.

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Thanks for sending me project files!

With "Hold time points" enabled, Slide list works exactly as in v4.48 with "Synchronize slideshow to music". If you insert new slide in Slide list, all keypoints on timeline will be hold. In this mode, you need in exact synchronization of slides to music, slides can be any, but they must be exactly shown at specified time on the timeline.

Without "Holf time points", Slide list works as usual non-synchronized project in v4.48. As you noticed, inserted slide to Slide list, will has globally set value. So two modes work with Slide list.

In fact all slide-shows in v5.00 always synchronized (it's necessary

because of Pan/Zoom effects), but authors need to have two options:

- Exact time points locked on the timeline - primary goal. Any slides,

not particular, but with exactly synchronized to some moments in music.

(Sorting of such slides in the Slide list will not affect to

keypoints on the Timeline)

- And when every particular slide should be shown specified duration (e.g. 4 seconds)

For author no difference - they can be shown in any order, but every slide with specified duration.

(Sorting of such slides will affect on keypoints, but duration of every slide will be same.)

p.s. specially for fast show of slides (simulation of video) when every slide should be shown and not skipped we'll add special option.

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Hello Igor,

Ref DaveG`s problem of slides getting scrambled when you insert a slide. I had the same thing and could not find a way around it. You mention the `hold timepoint` option at the bottom right of the main screen. I don`t have that luxury. I`m using version 4.48. Am I doing something wrong?

Best wishes

Flying Scotsman

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With "Hold time points" enabled, Slide list works exactly as in v4.48 with "Synchronize slideshow to music". If you insert new slide in Slide list, all keypoints on timeline will be hold. In this mode, you need in exact synchronization of slides to music, slides can be any, but they must be exactly shown at specified time on the timeline.

Without "Holf time points", Slide list works as usual non-synchronized project in v4.48. As you noticed, inserted slide to Slide list, will has globally set value. So two modes work with Slide list.


Although I understand how this function works, I am not sure that the situation is as simple as your explanation makes it seem. I have done the test that was suggested and the results are given in the attached Word document. I have also added some comments in the Word file which you may find useful. The important difference in Version 5 is that individual slides may well contain complex objects and multiple keypoints. It will be very important to understand what happens to these keypoints when a new slide is inserted. From my checks, it looks as if the default poisition for the "Hold time points" check box is "Un-checked".



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