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PTE V.5 - "Preview" function


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I’ve made a slideshow in V.5. It comprises some 450 slides, about 420 1024X768px files displayed as conventional (not animated) slides. The remaining 20 or so are animated. The foundation image being either 2000X1500 or 3000X2200px – (depending on the degree of P & Z)

Until yesterday, that is before the last 50 slides were added, “Preview” and “Preview from current slide” worked normally. Now they don’t.

On a couple of occasions in the past, even with comparatively few slides, “Preview” has failed to work. Shutting PTE down and restarting restore, would then, the function.

I have made an .exe file. It works fine, excepting that the Escape key doesn’t do its thing.

The project file is 528Kb

The .exe is 530Mb

I intend (hope!) to rework this project when V.5 has additional transition effects.

My questions are:

a) Is there a maximum V.5 project size?

B) If there is, have I exceeded it?

c) If I want to split the project into 2 parts, can it be done without losing the existing relative transition points on the Timeline of the Keypoints controlling the slides that have been animated?


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I’ve made a slideshow in V.5. It comprises some 450 slides, about 420 1024X768px files displayed as conventional (not animated) slides. The remaining 20 or so are animated. The foundation image being either 2000X1500 or 3000X2200px – (depending on the degree of P & Z)

Until yesterday, that is before the last 50 slides were added, “Preview” and “Preview from current slide” worked normally. Now they don’t.

On a couple of occasions in the past, even with comparatively few slides, “Preview” has failed to work. Shutting PTE down and restarting restore, would then, the function.

I have made an .exe file. It works fine, excepting that the Escape key doesn’t do its thing.

The project file is 528Kb

The .exe is 530Mb

I intend (hope!) to rework this project when V.5 has additional transition effects.

My questions are:

a) Is there a maximum V.5 project size?

B) If there is, have I exceeded it?

c) If I want to split the project into 2 parts, can it be done without losing the existing relative transition points on the Timeline of the Keypoints controlling the slides that have been animated?


Hi John,

No, you're a long way from the 2 gigabyte limit - I doubt that's the problem. Once in a while I've also had problems with preview. Preview actually creates a temp executable file which gets overwritten or deleted each time you do it again. I've had a few occasions where the program couldn't erase this temp pte.exe file so the error message indicated to start Windows again. Have you actually cold booted yet? I don't know if this is the same issue, but you might try that if you haven't already done so.

As for splitting the project I think at least in theory that you could do this, but I don't think you will have to. The problem I could see with splitting is the sound files if you have any.

I suspect that Igor will be able to answer this question but before doing anything so drastic probably it would be better to see if the preview issue can be resolved.

Best regards,


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Hi John,

I suspect that Igor will be able to answer this question but before doing anything so drastic probably it would be better to see if the preview issue can be resolved.

Thanks for that Lin.

Yes I've tried re-booting, it did not solve the problem.

Guess we'll have to see what Igor makes of it.

Incidentally, the music would not pose a problem to splitting as the show is in quite discrete section anyway.

But I'm going to "sit on my hands" for a while.


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c) If I want to split the project into 2 parts, can it be done without losing the existing relative transition points on the Timeline of the Keypoints controlling the slides that have been animated?


You can delete slides without disturbing the relative timing of the O/A features as long as you keep their time intervals intact. However, if you change the timing between slides with O/A features, you risk changing the timing for the objects themselves as well.

PTE can readily handle large numbers of slides. However, I imagine it could break down if there were too many objects being manipulated at once, especially if they were very large images as well. As Lin says, only Igor knows what the limits are :) .

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I'll try to reproduce this problem now.


since sending you the project, I have discovered the the function "Preview" no longer works with any project, even ones with very few slides.

Do you think I should try to reinstall V.5 beta 2?


Igor, Sorry. I ment V.5 beta 3


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