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Manual advance questions


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On version 4.48, is there a way to use manual advance, but then when I advance to a certain slide, have it auto advance to the next slide after some seconds?

I'm able to do it by setting the time on all slides for a LONG time, then shorten the time on that one slide. Is there a better way?

On version 5.0, how do you have all slides advance after 4 seconds or whatever. I can't seem to find how to do that simple thing.

I'm still not sure I want to upgrade to 5.0... It seems to be more complicated for simple slide shows. Eae of use and simplicity was always the beauty of P2E.

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Hi Fuzzy,

In v5, make your sequence as normal (i.e with all your fade effects etc that you want on each slide). Then on those slides that you want to advance manually go into Customize Slide \ Main tab and you will see a drop-down list of actions that can be set for each slide.

Click on the list and select "Stop at the end of this slide", the when you play the sequence it will run automatically until the selected slide/s then stop until you hit the space bar (I think you can set mouse buttons to operate as well under the Project Options settings). The sequence will then run until the next 'stop' slide is reached. I'm not sure what effect stopping/starting has on the soundtrack but I hope this helps.

In terms of setting each slide to display for 4 seconds, this is set on the Project Options \ Main tab (as per v4).

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