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Opening PTE from different folders.


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Hi Fellow PTE users,

Something thats been bugging me for ages now and I don't know if others find the same problem, but if you have numerous

folders that contain PTE projects and you double-click on the .pte file to open the project, PTE opens but the folder tree view never reflects

the folder you have openend the .pte file from - hence doesn't display the contents of the show you intend to work on.

You then have to drill down your drive/folder list to find the project to be able to work on it. If you then close the project then

re-open the same project it will open in the correct view. If you open another project from a different folder, you then have

to find that in the folder view.

Ideally I'd like the folder tree view to reflect the folder you have double-clicked on (from Windows Explorer) , maybe it could

be incorporated in future versions or updates. I have tried unticking the "Load last used project" but it always seems to tick

itself again. Not sure if anyone else is having this little niggle with this amazing piece of software, but thought I'd see anyway


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when looking at Andy's message, I noticed on one of my machines that a problem has reappeared that I already had under 5.0 and which was said to be fixed in 5.1 (Release-Candidate on December 13, 2007): Doubleclicks on pte-files did not open the clicked object. The registry entry for the open command read as follows:

"C:\Program Files\WnSoft PicturesToExe\5.1\apr.exe" %1

Changing %1 to "%1" solved the problem.

@Andy: Which folder should be shown, if the pictures addressed in the opened pte-file are spread over several ones?

Kind regards



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What you are seeing is how PTE currently works. And I agree, it is a bit of a niggle having to re-navigate to the folder containing the images for the project you've just opened. But I can see the validity in xahu34's comment too. Your posting implies that you keep each of your PTE projects in its own folder (this, to my way of thinking, is a very good practice!). I work this way too, and so I agree with your comments. But others don't work that way; they pick up images from all sorts of folders. (xahu's post tends to imply that this is his/her work method). For such users how can PTE know which folder to position to in the File navigation panel?

I would certainly back a request to Igor to position to the folder where the pte file was opened from. But, even if he provided this feature, I would still have to navigate within the file panel because my images are stored in a sub-folder within the project's top-level folder, e.g.

My Documents

- AV Sequence1

- Images

- Music

- AV Sequence2...etc

The "pain" of navigation is a small price to pay for all the other wonderful features of this product.

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Hello fh1805,

I think that there is no real need for a change. When preparing a serious show I will work in a similar way as you propose. In this case I will stay inside the corresponding folder for a longer period of time, so, there is no problem at all. I sometimes play with test shows with pte-files located on the desktop. In these cases the proposed new feature (showing folder containing the pte-file) would not be very helpful. I think that wnsoft should work on other problems such as ATI-gamma-problem or richer audio features.

Kind regards



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